September has longed to return to Fairyland after her first adventure there. And when she finally does, she learns that its inhabitants have been losing their shadows — and their magic — to the world of Fairyland-Below. This world has a new ruler: Halloween, the Hollow Queen, who is September’s shadow. And Halloween has no intentions of giving Fairyland’s shadows back.
Fans of Valente’s bestselling first Fairyland book will revel in the lush setting, characters, and language of September’s journey. Listeners will also welcome back good friends Ell, the Wyverary, and the boy Saturday. But in Fairyland-Below, even the best of friends aren’t always what they seem. . . .
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"I can't even. This is perfect. It's lovely and unsettling, and it reminded me of the way I felt about the world when I was a little girl: that dangerous, thrilling things lurked in the dark, and thinking slantwise is the only way to get there and back. This is the kind of story that makes me so terribly glad I've dedicated my life to books."
— Rachel (5 out of 5 stars)
" There are some moments in this book that were worth the read but over all, I found this book too clever for my taste. "
— Walt, 2/20/2014" I liked the beginning, and the end. like the VERY edges of the book. "
— Aubrey, 2/2/2014" Damn, I just love these books. "
— Brenda, 1/14/2014" Such a phenomenal book, themes that children can understand, and adults can most certainly relate to. I love the reversal of normal gender roles of fairy tales in the end. "
— Desiree, 1/8/2014" An honorable sequel to the first! My only two regrets are that (view spoiler)[Saturday (the ACTUAL one, I mean) was almost not in this at all (hide spoiler)] and now I have to wait till the end of the year to read the third one. Awww "
— Emily, 12/24/2013" September is a most adorable and brave little girl who has the most fascinating adventures. I will never look at shadows the same way again! "
— Sarah, 12/20/2013" Not quite as good as the first one. But I liked how it ended (and am certainly looking forward to the third one!)! "
— Glorious.Clio, 12/11/2013" I loved this book! Just like Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz, you can select a paragraph at random and recognize this book. The voice, the world, the cadence is unique and wonderful. It's a terrific tale of the human experience "
— Jenny, 12/3/2013" It didn't touch my heart quite as often as the first one (how could it, without Lye, and the House Without Warning?), but it was still quite lovely. "
— Anna, 11/6/2013" Read this instead of listened to it, as I did with the first book. That may be why it felt a bit flatter. Still, I can't WAIT for her to come out with another! "
— Coralee, 10/11/2013" No, I don't want it to be over yet... "
— Basht, 9/11/2013Catherynne M. Valente is the author of over two dozen works of fiction and poetry, including Palimpsest, the Orphan’s Tales series, Deathless, Radiance, and the crowdfunded phenomenon The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, and the four books that followed it. She is the winner of the Andre Norton, Tiptree, Sturgeon, Eugie Foster Memorial, Mythopoeic, Rhysling, Lambda, Locus, and Hugo awards, as well as the Prix Imaginales. Her works have also been a finalist for the Nebula and World Fantasy Awards.