The Falcon's Feathers F is for Falcon...When Josh discovers a nest of young falcons in the forest, he, Dink, and Ruth Rose start visiting every day. Until the morning they find it empty! Then the kids discover a wounded falcon with its wing feathers clipped, and they know someone's up to no good. Can they figure out what's going on before it's too late to save the falcons?
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"while sketching birds josh and ruth rose find a falcon's nest and they go visit the nest every day until the falcon's nest empty so they call dink and as soon as he arrives they found the mother wounded and take her to the vet and they found out that this person was stealing the little baby falcons"
— Sydney (4 out of 5 stars)
" Kids are loving this whole series. "
— Eva, 1/16/2014" These are great books to read with my kids. It is fun to see if they have it all figured out before we get to the end. "
— Robandsuzie, 12/28/2013" This is a nice direct mystery. I used it as a read aloud during my mystery book club unit. It was easy for kids to use to do the work that is required of mystery readers. It also sparked an interest throughout the class to read or reread the other A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy. "
— Debbie, 11/21/2013" Josh found some falcons a while ago, but now they aren't their. Later on they figure out that a guy is training falcons illegally. He went to jail and the peregrines are now safely in a zoo. I recommend this book to those who love mysteries. "
— Sara, 11/13/2013" It was exiting. "
— Sam, 9/19/2013" I like this series...the kids seemed to enjoy it "
— Ambulur, 7/8/2013" My seven year old loves these books, he loves the mystery and making predictions of his own. We read a chapter or two each night from different books in this series. "
— Dorothy, 6/8/2013" Pretty cool! "
— Isaac, 11/23/2012" Josh has been waching a Facon family for a cuple weeks. He tacks his friends Dink and Ruth Rose to the spot were he found them to show them the babies but ther gone. Can they find the crook? "
— Catherine, 10/5/2012" Pretty Good book. Can't wait to read the whole series! "
— Sara, 3/1/2012" I like reading about Josh, Ruth Rose, and Dink. In this story they helped a falcon and I like it when people help animals. I also like it, because it is a mystery story. "
— Anna, 9/24/2011Ron Roy is the author of the popular A to Z Mysteries series, the Capital Mysteries series, and the Calendar Mysteries series, as well as several picture books. He lives in Connecticut.
David Pittu, a two-time Tony Award nominee, has narrated dozens of audiobooks, including Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, which earned two prestigious Audie Awards for best narration. He has also won three Earphones Awards. Well-known for his work in theater, he has appeared off-Broadway in LoveMusik and Is He Dead, for which he received his Tony nominations, as well as Parade, for which he earned a National Broadway Award for Best Actor in a Musical. He is also a writer, member, and director of the Atlantic Theater company.