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The Discourses of Epictetus: As Reported by Arrian Audiobook

The Discourses of Epictetus: As Reported by Arrian Audiobook, by Epictetus Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Robin Homer Publisher: Vox Stoica Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 8.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 6.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781662193385

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

54:34 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

08 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

07:55 minutes

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Publisher Description

Epictetus was born a slave but at an early age developed a passion for philosophy and with the permission of his master he studied under Musonius Rufus. He obtained his freedom sometime after the death of Nero in 68 AD and later began teaching in Rome until his banishment from the city around 93 AD, after which he travelled to Nicopolis in Greece and carried on teaching there for the remainder of his days. His teachings were written down and published by his pupil Arrian in 'The Discourses' and later summarised in 'The Enchiridion'. They have been influential since they were written and are referenced frequently by Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations. Epictetus puts a strong focus on philosophy being practiced as a way of life, and not just a theoretical consideration. He also emphasises that many events are largely beyond our control and so we should learn to accept events calmly and dispassionately and instead put our focus on our own actions. This recording includes the Discourses and accompanying fragments.

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About Epictetus

Epictetus was a Greek Stoic philosopher. He was probably born a slave at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present day Pamukkale, Turkey), and lived in Rome until his exile to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece, where he lived most of his life and died. His teachings were noted down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses.