The Children's Hour by Lillian Hellman is a gripping and thought-provoking play that delves into the destructive power of lies and societal prejudice. Set in an all-girls boarding school, the story follows Karen Wright and Martha Dobie, two dedicated teachers whose lives are upended when a vengeful student, Mary Tilford, fabricates a shocking accusation against them. The malicious lie not only jeopardizes their school but also exposes the fragility of their reputations and relationships in a judgmental society. First performed in 1934, the play examines themes of morality, truth, and the devastating consequences of unchecked rumors. A timeless exploration of human behavior, The Children's Hour remains a powerful critique of societal norms and the cost of prejudice.
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Lillian Hellman (1905–1984) was an American dramatist and screenwriter known for her success as a playwright on Broadway, as well as her left-wing sympathies and political activism. Among her successes on Broadway were Watch on the Rhine, The Autumn Garden, Toys in the Attic, Another Part of the Forest, The Children’s Hour, and The lLttle Foxes. She adapted her semi-autobiographical play The Little Foxes into a screenplay, which starred Bette Davis and received an Academy Award nomination in 1942.
Troy Hudson trained his voice at the Defense Information School at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana as a military broadcast journalist in the early 1980s. He transitioned to commercial radio and television in the early 1990s and has been an active professional in corporate and commercial voice work ever since.