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The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That Illuminated the Renaissance Audiobook

The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That Illuminated the Renaissance Audiobook, by Ross King Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: James Cameron Stewart Publisher: Tantor Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 12.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 9.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781666119886

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

57:21 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

20:48 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

39:17 minutes

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Publisher Description

The Renaissance in Florence conjures images of beautiful frescoes and elegant buildings—the dazzling handiwork of the city's skilled artists and architects. But equally important for the centuries to follow were geniuses of a different sort: Florence's manuscript hunters, scribes, scholars, and booksellers, who blew the dust off a thousand years of history and, through the discovery and diffusion of ancient knowledge, imagined a new and enlightened world.

At the heart of this activity, which bestselling author Ross King relates in his exhilarating new book, was a remarkable man: Vespasiano da Bisticci. Born in 1422, he became what a friend called "the king of the world’s booksellers." At a time when all books were made by hand, over four decades Vespasiano produced and sold many hundreds of volumes from his bookshop, which also became a gathering spot for debate and discussion. Besides repositories of ancient wisdom by the likes of Plato, Aristotle, and Quintilian, his books were works of art in their own right, copied by talented scribes and illuminated by the finest miniaturists. His clients included a roll-call of popes, kings, and princes across Europe who wished to burnish their reputations by founding magnificent libraries.

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"Although this book contained a huge amount of information, I found it a little dry historically, and the theme of the story got way over done the main character. The young book seller was lost early in the story, and I found it difficult to keep my attention going."

— Ani Mac (4 out of 5 stars)

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About Ross King

Ross King is the highly praised author of Brunelleschi’s Dome (the Book Sense Nonfiction Book of the Year in 2000), Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling (on the New York Times extended bestseller list), The Judgment of Paris, Machiavelli, and two novels, Ex Libris and Domino. He lives outside Oxford in England.

About James Cameron Stewart

James Cameron Stewart is a veteran actor whose performances include roles in theater, film, and television. He was trained at Hull University and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. His credits include Outlander, Jericho, Flying Blind, Golden Years, Emmerdale, London’s Burning, Eastenders, Coronation Street, and Holby City.