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The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future Audiobook

The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future Audiobook, by Skip Prichard Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Skip Prichard Publisher: Center Street Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2018 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781478970927

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

28:29 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

02:48 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

14:41 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to catch all the breaks and win over and over again? What do the super successful know? What is standing between you and your wildest dreams?

The Book of Mistakes will take you on an inspiring journey, following an ancient manuscript with powerful lessons that will transform your life. You'll meet David, a young man who with each passing day is more disheartened and stressed. Despite a decent job, apartment, and friends, he just feels hollow . . . until one day he meets a mysterious young woman and everything starts to change.

In this self-help tale wrapped in fiction, you'll learn the nine mistakes that prevent many from achieving their goals. You'll learn how to overcome these hurdles and reinvent your life.

This success parable is packed with wisdom that will help you discover and follow your personal purpose, push beyond your perceived capabilities, and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. You'll find yourself returning again and again to a deceptively simple story that teaches actionable insights and enduring truths.

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"In this absolutely brilliant book the author-a noted CEO and highly-regarded business leader-weaves a story (including a heart-racing subplot) that, while greatly entertaining, magnificently educates us with success principles to help us go from where we are to where we want to be. Avoid the mistakes so common to human nature, follow his suggestions on what TO do instead, and watch your business success accelerate and your sense of joy, happiness and peace of mind reach greater heights than you might ever have imagined to be possible. And, definitely buy a copy for every graduate in your life before they step into the real world of business. They will thank you for it! Bravo, Skip Prichard!—Bob Burg, co-author of The Go-Giver"


  • “This is no ordinary story. Within these pages, there exists the power to reinvent your life.”

    — Andy Andrews, New York Times bestselling author
  • “The essentials of success form the core principles of Skip Prichard’s inspiring adventure, The Book of Mistakes. Don’t miss it!”

    — Ken Blanchard, New York Times bestselling author
  • “A mandatory read for people of all ages, especially those getting ready to launch.”

    — Lee Woodruff, author of In an Instant
  • Success is a riddle, and Skip Prichard's business parable shines a light on the answer. By exploring the nine mistakes most leaders and entrepreneurs make, Skip helps us turn desire, gratitude, and belief into powerful tools for achievement.—Michael Hyatt, USA Today bestselling author of Living Forward

  • An inspirational read packed full of wisdom and advice, The Book of Mistakes is a MUST-READ for anyone who wants to move forward from the past and create a positive future!—Jon Gordon, bestselling author of The Energy Bus and The Carpenter

  • Skip Prichard packs a lot of wisdom into this story. Read it to learn the timeless truths of success from a cast of varied characters, and then share the message with others. This truly is a book for readers of all ages.—Mark Sanborn, President of Sanborn & Associates, Inc. and author of The Fred Factor

  • Skip Prichard's The Book of Mistakes is a compelling narrative and a must-read for anyone who wants to be a better leader and live a life of meaning. If you're in need of a dose of inspiration, you've found it in this book!—Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and coauthor of Smart Trust

  • Prichard's vast experience in publishing is evident in the construction of this delightful and instructive book. The Book of Mistakes is not only a tale told well, but it offers life lessons that remind us what matters most, and what to avoid. Reminiscent of The Alchemist, this book is an operating instruction for life. It should be a mandatory read for people of all ages, especially those getting ready to launch.—Lee Woodruff, New York Times bestselling author of Perfectly Imperfect, In an Instant, and Those We Love Most

  • This is no ordinary story. Within these pages, there exists the power to reinvent your life.—Andy Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People?, The Noticer and The Traveler's Gift

  • In this wonderful, engaging narrative, Skip Prichard teaches nine timeless principles of success. The Book of Mistakes will inspire you to achieve your goals and build a fulfilling life.—Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Leadership Thinker in the World

  • The essentials of success form the core principles of Skip Prichard's inspiring adventure, The Book of Mistakes. Don't miss it!—Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager® and One Minute Mentoring

  • In this engaging story, Skip Prichard gives you a roadmap of mistakes you can avoid on your life's journey. You'll find yourself in these pages, along with a new way to think about success through curiosity, empathy, and action.—Tim Sanders, author of Love Is the Killer App: How To Win Business and Influence Friends

  • The Book of Mistakes will show you more about success in a few hours than most people come across in decades. Read it, internalize its secrets, and watch your life begin to transform before your eyes.—Robert D. Smith, author of 20,000 Days and Counting

  • If financial success and personal happiness are the Emerald City of Oz, Skip Prichard, in this marvelous book, has paved the perfect Yellow Brick Road to get there. Read it and change your life.—Robert Goolrick, New York Times bestselling author of A Reliable Wife, Heading Out to Wonderful, and The End of the World As We Know It

  • Skip Prichard's new book is a helpful reminder about the power of the choices we make in life and leadership.—Doug Conant, Founder of ConantLeadership and Former President and CEO of Campbell Soup Company

  • Not only is The Book of Mistakes a page-turner that will keep you up at night, it is chock full of lessons you wish you had learned twenty years ago, and the principles for success that you hope to impart to your children, employees, or co-workers. Skip Prichard has spun a tale that transforms what it means to get ahead in life.—Ken Abraham, New York Times bestselling author

  • An interesting platform for demonstrating the importance of making mistakes and moving forward.—Tony Hsieh, New York Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness

  • Skip Prichard masterfully tells a story that keeps you interested and engaged throughout the entire book. I love his message of hope and his belief that our greatest work is always ahead of us not behind us. I highly recommend this book to leaders who aspire to reach their full potential.—David M.R. Covey, coauthor of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success

  • Skip Prichard's lessons are right for our time because they are backed by the wisdom of one who has led by example and openly shares his own mistakes. The Book of Mistakes is one book that will set you straight on your path to achieving your goals in record time.—John Baldoni, Inc Top 50 Leadership Expert, executive coach and author of more than a dozen books on leadership including MOXIE: The Secret to Bold and Gutsy Leadership

  • With a refreshing change of style from traditional personal development books, Skip Prichard offers an engaging fable, artfully woven between the past and the present, that will be understood and relished by readers of all ages and walks of life. His 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future are presented in such an interesting and thought-provoking way that you'll find yourself wanting to highlight, underline, dog-ear pages-anything to ensure that you'll be able to revisit them again and again.—Mark Timm, EVP, Ziglar, Inc.

  • The Book of Mistakes is an instant classic, a guidebook to achieve success and fulfillment. You'll find yourself fully immersed in the story and its powerful lessons. Skip Prichard packs each chapter with the wisdom you wished you had years ago. Read it today and change your tomorrow.—Kevin Kruse, Founder and CEO, LEADx, New York Times bestselling author

  • Skip Prichard's new book, The Book of Mistakes, is not just another book. This one makes a difference! His perspective of the Nine Mistakes covered is life-altering. He creates for the reader an intense awareness of critical mistakes most of us have made and positioned them as an intense, meaningful, learning experience. If you don't read but one book in the coming year, make it this one!—Don Hutson, co-author of the New York Times #1 bestselling The One Minute Entrepreneur

  • A riveting reminder that while the clues to success are all around us, ultimately the keys are within the person we see in the mirror.—Dan Miller, New York Times bestselling author of 48 Days to the Work You Love


  • Winner of a 2018 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award

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About Skip Prichard

Skip Prichard is an accomplished CEO, growth-oriented business leader, and keynote speaker. He is known for his track record of successfully repositioning companies and dramatically improving results while improving the corporate culture. He is a keynote speaker on topics ranging from leadership, personal development, growth strategies, culture, corporate turnarounds, and the future of publishing. His views have been featured in print and broadcast media including the BBC, The New York Times, CNN, and more.