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The Book of Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Healing Audiobook

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Read By: J. Ward, J. Robin Ward Publisher: Inner Traditions Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781644114674

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Longest Chapter Length:

60:31 minutes

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18 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

25:59 minutes

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Publisher Description

A simple practice to heal your past and cleanse negative memories to live a more peaceful and harmonious life

• Details how to apply Ho'oponopono to deal with traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups

• Draws on the new science of epigenetics and quantum physics to explain how Ho'oponopono works

• Explains how the trauma of past events can cloud your perceptions and reveals how to break free from the weight of your memories

Based on an ancestral Hawaiian shamanic ritual, the healing practice of Ho'oponopono teaches you to cleanse your consciousness of negative memories, unconscious fears, and dysfunctional programming and grant yourself forgiveness, peace, and love. The process is deceptively simple--first you must recognize your own responsibility for creating the events in your life, then you are ready to apply the mantra of Ho'oponopono: I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, I love you. Repeated several times over a dedicated interval, the negativity is replaced with inner peace, love, and harmony--and, as the stories in this book show, sometimes even miracles take place.

In this step-by-step guide, the authors explain how to apply Ho'oponopono to traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups. Drawing on quantum physics and epigenetics, they explore how Ho'oponopono works--how thoughts and consciousness can affect the expression of your DNA, the materialization of your goals, and the behavior of those around you. They explain how negative thought patterns and memories unconsciously guide your life and draw more negativity to you, perpetuating the cycle of bad events and clouding your recollection of the past. By apologizing to yourself, your memory, and the event in question, you can forgive yourself, heal your memories, and cleanse your perceptions. By reconciling with yourself, you open your heart to love for your experiences, yourself, and others and bring harmony to your mind, body, and the world around you.

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"Nine little words that can make miracles! That’s what this book is about. It’s an ancient Hawaiian shamanic ritual that was adapted to suit contemporary life forty years ago and has been gaining popularity ever since. With steady application, order is restored to both the inner and outer environments and fears and negative memories are transmuted into love.” “The simplicity of this life skill is deceptive. The authors have gone to great lengths to clearly explain the science, spiritual philosophy, and shamanic (esoteric) practice which explains how and why it works. There are inspiring stories to illustrate the healing that can occur. From traumatic events to every day annoyances, the authors demonstrate how using the technique releases negative thought forms, past and present, in order to make room for harmony and love. With consistent use, the intellect gives way to the intuition of the heart, healing and cleansing the stored information in the subconscious and allowing a reconciliation with our inner selves. Let your customers know that it is easy to understand and apply, and that the technique has a solid track record of success.”"


  • Ho‘oponopono is an important practice of compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude, both for our relationships and for ourselves. Drawing on its rich history, Bodin, Lamboy, and Graciet explore--with depth and insight--the many layers of this powerful tool for mediation and healing. Their book gives us a compelling approach to cultivating this practice in our everyday lives.”

  • Nowhere has the Hawaiian healing practice of Ho‘oponopono been explored as extensively as within this book. The authors give us a thorough guide to humble our way of life to accord with the way things truly are, through the life practice of forgiveness that ultimately leads to the peace and love we all deeply yearn for. Drawing not only from this ancient Hawaiian tradition but also from modern science, this book gives us the tools to live a more authentic life through facing our accumulated karma that obstructs our innate freedom.”

  • I found this book very peaceful to read and the techniques easy to apply, with a sense of gratitude towards the authors for providing me with new tools to live in clarity and harmony.”

  • Blessed are the ones who free future generations of irrational fear. The inherent power of forgiveness can mean our very survival. The Book of Ho‘oponopono tells you how to be free of the ropes of fear and grief and attachment to old and unworkable ways. In this book, learn and marvel at the impact on relationships and mental health by saying to yourself, ‘I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.’ The authors, each in their own specialties, ground the mystical with science and guide the reader in the gentle Hawaiian way of soft breezes and blue surf to increasingly take charge of the past, past lives, and even unknown issues--to be free of memories and beliefs that can be like storm clouds hiding us from our true island self.”

  • What a great book about this ancestral Hawaiian shamanic ritual. Ho’oponopono is a very simple process where you first recognize your own responsibility for creating everything in your life and then apply these words: “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.” This is repeated several times over a period of time until you feel the situation has been “cleansed.” What is great about this book is that it not only gives the history of the practice and a very clear explanation of how to use it in your daily life, it also connects this with quantum physics, DNA, epigenetics, Feng Shui, and the law of attraction. The book is written in a warm and welcoming way and use of this technique is sure to open one’s heart to forgiveness, love, and peace.”

  • Essential to Huna, the traditional Hawaiian healing and spiritual shamanism, is Ho’oponopono, a practice used in a community to establish harmony and restore order among individuals and society. The aim of Ho’oponopono is to free ourselves of memories, values and beliefs that prevent our attunement with our inner divine self. It’s an alchemical approach that transmutes fears into pure love and peace. It is as simple as recognizing our own responsibility for creating events in our life and then saying the mantra, “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.” This is a simple but effective strategy for soul healing.”

  • This is a wonderful book to help cleanse any emotional baggage and learn to be free in the now. There is no reason to let trauma hold you back from a future of happiness. Learn these simple techniques and rise to emotional freedom. Manifest your dreams by releasing the past.”

  • While I was reading the book, I tried the Ho’oponopono technique for myself, and found it to be very effective. I’ve since added it to my own spiritual practice, and I love how it is so simple and portable, yet the effects can be seen almost immediately, both within my own psyche and in the changes in my outer-world experience. Read this book, and then try it for yourself!”

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