Steve Harvey;intimacy;love;commitment;intimacy;harmony;how to please husband;husband;wife;unity;future;build a home;happiness;humourgrowth;success;positivity;guide;memoir;anecdotal;humourous;celebrity;purpose;Family Feud;Celebrity Family Feud;gift;faith;God;passion;peace;abundance;adversity;journey;advice;realistic;wisdom;Denene Miller;spirit;spiritual;religion;devotion;elevate;principles;teachings;lessons;life advice;personal advice;NAACP;The Steve Harvey Show;Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man;Think Like a Success;Jump;The Original Kings of Comedy; Steve Harvey Morning Show; Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation;comedy;humor;stand up;African American;nonfiction;black authors;authors of color;sociology;self help
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"I liked this book so much better than the first. It was funny and truthful. It's really about women needed to treat themselves better and have more self respect. It's a very quick read too. I read it in a day. I hightly recommend this to any women whether they are in a relationship or not. "
— Maureen (5 out of 5 stars)
“One of our most successful and sought-after relationship gurus, the man women trust to tell them the truth about, well, everything.”
— Essence“Comedian and radio/TV personality Harvey writes here for both men and women, sharing elements of his own story as he offers dating and relationship tips.”
— Library Journal" Very good. Steve Harvey is very insightful. His principals are basic (we women should have already known most of this stuff) but enlightening. Especially coming from a man. You did it again Steve! "
— Kelley, 2/12/2014" Some parts of it seemed to defend the men a little too much and made the women feel like nag and expect too much. but some parts did seem feasible. "
— Dawn, 1/28/2014" Good, sound advice. Unfortunately, its nothing anybody is really gonna listen to, until AFTER they've tried -- and failed -- numerous times. I don't agree with everything ALL of the myths he's debunked, but he makes it make sense. "
— ★☆★☆, 1/22/2014" IT WAS AN AWSOME FOLLOW UP BOOK FROM THE PREVIOUS BOOK THAT I READ ACT LIKE A LADY THINK LIKE A MAN. I THINK IT WAS An awesome playbook for ladies that are clueless about relationships "
— Brittany, 1/21/2014" I liked this book because I learned something helpful and actually put it to practice in my relationship. "
— Natalie, 1/20/2014" This may not be "politically correct" but it is true. These are the things my mother never taught me about men and relationships with them. I don't think she knew these herself. Thank you, Steve Harvey, for writing these books. "
— melody, 1/20/2014" Eh, I preferred his first book "Act like a lady, think like a man". "
— Jenny, 1/17/2014" This book is okay, however I am married now so what's in this book seems to only help a single female. "
— Aldricia, 1/12/2014" I read this book in less than 3 hours, that's how good it was. "
— Sylvia, 1/3/2014" SH is NOT a relationship expert but he is like most men an expert on how men think. This book is an excellent depiction of how men THINK. I must read and page turner. "
— Cltucker1, 12/26/2013" A repeat of Think Like A Man, but with a few more details of how to implement your plan. Harvey helps to set standards in what you seek in a relationship. "
— Shagufta, 12/19/2013Steve Harvey is the author of the bestsellers Act like a Lady, Think like a Man; Straight Talk, No Chaser; and Act like a Success, Think like a Success. He is the host of his own daily talk show and the game show Family Feud, in addition to his nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show on the radio. He is an Emmy Award winner and also the founder of the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation.