Savannah “Van” Leone has been in love with Peter Clarke ever since she literally fell head over heels in front of him on the first day of college. Now, six years later, instead of standing across from him at the altar, Van is standing behind her best friend Janie as maid of honor, trying to mask her heartache and guilt as Janie marries the only man she’s ever loved. Before Van’s mother died, she told Van never to let Peter go, but as the couple exchanges vows, Van wonders if her fairy-tale ending will ever come true. After the wedding, Van drowns her sorrows in Kool-Aid–vodka cocktails and reruns of Rin Tin Tin, and does what any heartbroken woman in her situation would do: She impulsively buys a German Shepherd over the Internet. But the pocket-size puppy Van is expecting turns out to be a clumsy hundred-pound beast who only responds to commands in Slovak. Van is at the end of her rope...until she realizes that this quirky giant may be the only living being who will always be loyal to her, no matter what. Van affectionately names her dog Joe, and together they work to mend the pieces of Van’s shattered heart. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that Joe’s vet is a rugged sweetheart with floppy blond hair and a winning smile. But when the newlyweds return from their honeymoon, Van is forced to decide just how much she’s willing to sacrifice in order to have everything she ever wanted — proving that sometimes life needs to get more complicated before it can get better.
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"I picked this book up randomly as I was wandering around the library and I'm really glad that I did. "Stay" exceeded my expectations. What I thought would be another book about a horribly behaved, yet lovable dog turned out to be a cute romantic comedy that made me smile and wish that Alex was my vet."
— Jenny (4 out of 5 stars)
" Yes, the storyline and characters are predictable.... But it's an enjoyable, quick and light, feel-good book, the kind I like to throw into my mix every once in a while. Perfect for the beach, or while sitting at my child's baseball or soccer practice. "
— Deana, 2/2/2014" very good-feel good story;somewhat predictable ending. Easy quick read. "
— Cathleen, 1/20/2014" Light romantic comedy, with a great dog character, Joe the German Shepherd from Slovakia. Great literature? Probably not. Great fun? Yes. "
— Gwyneth, 1/15/2014" A light, fluffy read with a delightful German Shepherd aiding and abetting the female main character. "
— Deb, 1/10/2014" There's a dog on the front, and I really like dogs. Aside from that, this was terrible. "
— Abby, 1/9/2014" A sweet story and guilty pleasure, and actually very well written. "
— Mjdrean, 1/9/2014" This is a fun, quick read. And while I didn't overly identify with the protagonist, I appreciated all the stories about German Shepherd Joe. The love story was charming and kept me turning the pages. "
— Linette, 1/5/2014" Could not put this down. As a lover of dogs and love stories this is a fantastic read. "
— Aimie, 12/28/2013" Love it. It was great, sweet story. "
— Moe, 12/7/2013" This is a very fun read. If you like a little dog hair mixed into your romantic comedy, you'll love this book! "
— Jackie, 11/11/2013" A very light read -- cute story. "
— Shannon, 8/24/2013Allie Larkin is the internationally bestselling author of the novel Stay. She has never ordered a dog off the internet or assumed a new identity to attend a high school reunion. When Allie writes, she wears an over-sized circa 1980’s acrylic sweater that is a crime against fashion and good taste in general. She loves Boston. The band, not the city. But the city is great, too. She lives with her husband, Jeremy, their two German Shepherds, Argo and Stella, and a three-legged cat.
Julia Whelan is a novelist, screenwriter, lifelong actor, and multiple award-winning audiobook narrator. She graduated with a degree in English and creative writing from Middlebury College and Oxford University. She is a former child actor who has appeared in multiple films and television shows.