Spiritual Reality and Modern Man: Creation vs. Evolution Audiobook, by David R. Hawkins Play Audiobook Sample

Spiritual Reality and Modern Man: Creation vs. Evolution Audiobook

Spiritual Reality and Modern Man: Creation vs. Evolution Audiobook, by David R. Hawkins Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: David R. Hawkins Publisher: Veritas Publishing Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2013 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

We have all gazed up at the sky and wondered about the unknown, the explanations that lie beyond our linear understanding. The vanity of the ego thinks that without divine help it can comprehend the mysteries of the universe. In this fascinating discussion of creation vs. evolution, Dr. David Hawkins reveals how phenomena emerge from potentiality into actuality. That which is forever has no beginning and no end, and death is not a possibility. So where do we evolve from? How can we transcend the spiritual blindness of our paradigm allegiance to actualize our intentions? Let the enormous power of Dr. Hawkins presence transform your understanding of life's most profound mysteries.

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