Spilt Milk Audiobook, by Courtney Zoffness Play Audiobook Sample

Spilt Milk Audiobook

Spilt Milk Audiobook, by Courtney Zoffness Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Courtney Zoffness Publisher: Highbridge Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: March 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781684579051

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

37:40 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

01:11 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

23:28 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

What role does a mother play in raising thoughtful, generous children? In her literary debut, internationally award-winning writer Courtney Zoffness considers what we inherit from generations past—biologically, culturally, spiritually—and what we pass on to our children. Spilt Milk is an intimate, bracing, and beautiful exploration of vulnerability and culpability. Zoffness relives her childhood anxiety disorder as she witnesses it manifest in her firstborn; endures brazen sexual advances by a student in her class; grapples with the implications of her young son's cop obsession; and challenges her Jewish faith. Where is the line between privacy and secrecy? How do the stories we tell inform who we become? These powerful, dynamic essays herald a vital new voice.

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“Courtney Zoffness narrates her reflections on motherhood, gender, and contemporary life with unflinching directness. The questions she raises are not easy, but…Zoffness delivers each one with a candor that lessens any discomfort with issues such as anxiety disorders or questioning one’s faith. She sounds like an earnest friend who is confessing her deepest thoughts. These well-delivered meditations on a range of themes will resonate for many.”

— AudioFile


  • “Spilt Milk contains the wisdom of a mother, the maturity of an older sister, and the wide-eyed wonder of a small child. It’s a magical gift of a collection.”

    — Lisa Taddeo, New York Times bestselling author
  • “Keenly perceptive…masterful essays in a fresh, vulnerable voice readers will want to hear more of.”

    — Publisher’s Weekly (starred review)


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