Moore's refusal to follow a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state court building cost him his position as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. In this fascinating memoir, he reflects on his struggle to comply with the law and be true to his faith. His essential premise is that our Founding Fathers, via the Declaration of Independence, acknowledged the sovereignty of God in the life of our nation, notwithstanding the clause forbidding the establishment of a national religion. He notes the prominence of God in the swearing of oaths and other aspects of court procedures, as well as our nation's continuing Judeo-Christian traditions. Moore sees the efforts by the ACLU and other groups to remove all references to religion as a reflection of the nation's downward moral drift. His passion in asserting his own religious commitment reflects his personal courage in standing up for his beliefs, but for those who do not share them, he also makes a clear case for justifying the sanctions against him.
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"Simple. Powerful. A book for all my sons to read. The battle rages, but ultimate victory is assured. The battle is the Lord's (2 Chronicles 20). We must kiss the Son (Psalm 2). We must acknowledge Him in ALL our ways (Proverbs 3). My compliments to the courage of Judge Moore."
— Bradley (5 out of 5 stars)
“In the face of all out travails, Americans can take hope that God has given us men like Roy Moore.”
— Ann Coulter“This book is a must-read in order to understand how judicial supremacists have denied out inalienable right to acknowledge God.”
— Phyllis Schlafly“Every one of us could take a cue from the sheer strength of Judge Moore’s convictions and his unyielding commitment to righteousness.”
— Dr. James Dobson“Moore is a man of character, integrity, and principle. His stance in defense of God’s law, our entire legal system, his oath of office, and the very freedoms our nation was founded upon is a solid example of unselfish sacrifice. He is a true patriot and a true public servant.”
— Joyce Meyer, bestselling author" It was good to read the trials that he went through I would not have put up with the attacks. It should be required reading for anybody that wants o get into any type of public service!! "
— Frank, 11/24/2009Roy Moore graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and completed his JD degree from the University of Alabama School of Law. Captain Moore served in the US army as a company commander with the Military Police Corp in Vietnam. He became a judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Alabama in 1992 and served until his election as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in 2000. He now lectures throughout the United States, teaching about America’s history and our right to acknowledge God, and is chairman of the Foundation for Moral Law, Inc. He is married with four children.