Shakespeares Greatest Monologues: Volume I Audiobook, by William Shakespeare Play Audiobook Sample

Shakespeare's Greatest Monologues: Volume I Audiobook

Shakespeares Greatest Monologues: Volume I Audiobook, by William Shakespeare Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Kevin Theis, Amir Abdullah, Sara Nichols, Paul Stroili, Jean Moran, Belinda Bremner, Bob Theis, Debo Balogun, Glynis Gilio, Jan Blixt, Jean Marie Koon, Katie Lynn, Rebekah Ward, Stephen Spencer, Ben Werling Publisher: SoundCraft Audiobooks Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: October 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781667928296

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

08:35 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

44 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

01:56 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


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Publisher Description

William Shakespeare, long hailed as the history's greatest dramatic writer, has been lauded for his mastery of poetic expression, his insight into the human condition and his deep exploration into the psyche and motivations of his characters. These skills are perhaps best encapsulated in the monologues he gives his various protagonists, villains and bit players. From the murderous Lady Macbeth, planning to assassinate the king to advance her husband's career, to the droll, melancholy Jacques from "As You Like It" ticking off the Seven Ages of Man, to Edmund the Bastard in "King Lear," bemoaning his second class status as an illegitimate child to the young lover Helena, railing against the seeming cruelty of her bewitched friends in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Shakespeare's monologues are short distillations of his larger themes - love and loss, fairness and inequity, power and envy, lust and purity. Fort Raphael Publishing is proud to present, in this first volume, some of Shakespeare's greatest monologues, each of which captures a shining, brilliant moment from his plays that gives us a deeper understanding of each character, whether flattering, damning or inspiring. Enjoy this collection of monologues - performed by some of the finest classical actors in the world - from the greatest theatrical writer in the English language, William Shakespeare.

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About William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (1564–1616), English poet and dramatist of the Elizabethan and early Jacobean period, is the most widely known author in all of English literature and often considered the greatest. He was an active member of a theater company for at least twenty years, during which time he wrote many great plays. Plays were not prized as literature at the time and Shakespeare was not widely read until the middle of the eighteenth century, when a great upsurge of interest in his works began that continues today.