Sex. God. You know the two subjects are connected; you just don't have the words for how they are connected. And they cannot be separated. Where the one is, you will always find the other. When you actually live and feel and engage, you discover that the physical things around us are like windows into more. And when you talk about sexuality, you quickly end up in the spiritual—because “this” is always about “that.” Something deeper. Something behind it all. You can't talk about sexuality without talking about how we were made. About how we relate to each other. About how we were made to relate to each other. And that will inevitably lead you to who made us. At some point you have to talk about God. To make sense of the one, we have to explore the other. That is what this book is about.
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"I kept starting this book over before I finished...not because I didn't understand it or couldn't remember things. No, it was because I practically wanted to memorize it. I kept reading sentences that I wanted to share, not necessarily with the whole world, but with particular individuals. Rob Bell writes in this A.D.D.-style that I like, too. It's like having a rapid-fire conversation with a really smart person. His insights amaze me. Even if you're not a church-goer, I think it will speak to you."
— Lyn (5 out of 5 stars)
" This is my favorite Rob bell book. As a single male in my twenty's this book was a bit of a breath of re-leaf. I to might not have been able to connect fully with every story or every chapter but it shone a lot of insight on questions and struggles i have had will have and am having. the book takes the endless connection between our sexuality and spirituality from a Christan perspective. Its a nice fun yet heavy read. "
— Masterj22, 2/13/2014" Bell manages to present the cultural context of creation, relationships, marriage, and yes, sex. Knowing the cultural meanings to Israelites for various statements oft repeated statements, and seemingly vague references, really helped me further understand God's ideas on relationship. Read it with The Shack by William P. Young to broaden your view of what it means to be in relationship with God. "
— Heather, 2/11/2014" Questions many common beliefs about sexuality and I think it is a definite must read for Christians. "
— Kimberly, 2/7/2014" I figured this book would be steamy. Sex is in the title. It was kind of dry. Yes, it talked about sex, but not a lot. It was OK, but not what I expected. Sex is cool (I'm married). Let's get it on! "
— Scott, 2/5/2014" Very interesting parallels drawn here. My favorite illustration is about how we can replace the work we do with our hands that is not life-giving with work that is life giving and how we are changed in the process! "
— Pam, 1/19/2014" Two observations: 1) despite all its genuine insights, this book doesn't really ever talk about gay people, which seems weird for a book titled Sex God and 2) it's important to read the endnotes! (I just waited until the end and read them all at once. That may not work for everyone.) "
— Julianne, 1/19/2014" One of the best books I've ever read on relationships and spirituality. "
— Christopher, 1/14/2014" A very nicely done piece on Christianity and sexuality. This is a topic that more Christian leaders need to read and think through to teach to their friends and circles of influence. Ignoring the fact that we are sexual beings does not help anyone... Rob does a great job of thinking holistically. "
— Justin, 1/13/2014" This was my favorite of Rob Bell's books. I especially love the concept of "living in the tension" seems the best way to live is always the most difficult in terms of our relationships. "
— Rachel, 1/3/2014" Liked it, but it reads like a conversation more than a book. Bell insists that our sexuality and our spirituality are intricately connnected. "
— Ebeth, 11/17/2013" I love this book. It's deeply thoughtful, and even though it's aimed at a Christian reading audience, I think all of us who write and think about sex and its meaning in society can benefit from it. It's also lovely to read, not all preachy and negative. "
— Erin, 10/17/2013Rob Bell is the bestselling author of Love Wins, Velvet Elvis, Sex God, Jesus Wants to Save Christians, Drops like Stars, and What We Talk about When We Talk about God. An international teacher and speaker, he was profiled in the New Yorker and Time magazine, which named him one of 2011’s hundred most influential people.