Seitai Inteligencia Vital: El Secreto Japones de la Vida Sana (The Japanese Secret of Health ) Audiobook, by Katsumi Mamine Coto Play Audiobook Sample

Seitai Inteligencia Vital: El Secreto Japones de la Vida Sana (The Japanese Secret of Health ) Audiobook

Seitai Inteligencia Vital: El Secreto Japones de la Vida Sana (The Japanese Secret of Health ) Audiobook, by Katsumi Mamine Coto Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Adriana Sananes, Irma Bello Publisher: BookaVivo Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 8.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 6.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: March 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781638110408

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

57:13 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

24 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

39:40 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Seitai Inteligencia Vital es una lectura apasionante que no podrás abandonar porque profundiza en todo aquello que te interesa. Dispones de todas las claves con las que descubrir como vivir saludable y vital. Este gran hallazgo, se lo debemos al que fue médico personal de la Emperatriz de Japón, Haruchika Noguchi, Tokio 1911-19676. Sus observaciones sobre cómo funciona la Naturaleza Humana son precisas. Cualquier individuo que haya nacido sano, puede despertar su gran fuerza innata. Noguchi desvela cómo cada Ser Humano puede resetearse y afinar su Organismo a través del Movimiento Vital y Espontáneo causando un positivo impacto para el cuerpo, las actividades mentales, energéticas, biológicas, químicas, etc. ¿Qué conseguirás? Tu psique se apaciguará sin esfuerzo. Tus funciones vitales se ajustarán. Tu cuerpo empezará a dar respuestas precisas. Problemas posturales en músicos y profesionales de todo tipo, se solucionan. Tus células se esponjarán, lo que aflojará la tensión acumulada. Recuperarás las ganas de vivir. Pequeños malestares simplemente desaparecerán: estreñimiento, diarreas, problemas cutáneos, estados ansiosos, desajustes químicos, etc. Your body will begin to give precise answers . Postural problems in musicians and professionals of all kinds are solved. Your cells will sponge, which will loosen the built-up tension . You will regain the will to live . Small ailments will simply disappear: constipation, diarrhea, skin problems, anxious states, chemical imbalances, etc. INSIDE YOU IS A PRE- INSTALLED VITAL APP . YOU JUST HAVE TO CONFIGURE IT. Seitai is not Therapy. It is a deep understanding of Life. SEITAI ARE SIMPLE PRACTICES WITHIN ANYONE'S REACH. ALSO IT IS A DEEP KNOWLEDGE . The Seitai is recognized as Culture by the Ministry of Education and Science of Japan since 1959 . It is considered a fundamental resource for the population to maintain health globally.

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About Adriana Sananes

Adriana Sananes is an award-winning actress and an Earphones Award–winning audiobook narrator. She narrated the documentary Children of Fate, winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and nominated for an Academy Award, and has recorded over eighty bestsellers including Loving Che, The Dark Bride, My Sister Frida, The Dirty Girls Social Club, the Grammy-nominated Brown Bear Series by Eric Carle, and the Audie-nominated How the García Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Álvarez.