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See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love Audiobook

See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love Audiobook, by Valarie Kaur Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Valarie Kaur Publisher: Random House Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 8.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 6.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780593164723

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

72:44 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

08 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

22:04 minutes

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Publisher Description

An urgent manifesto and a dramatic memoir of awakening, this is the story of revolutionary love. Finalist for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize • “In a world stricken with fear and turmoil, Valarie Kaur shows us how to summon our deepest wisdom.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love   How do we love in a time of rage? How do we fix a broken world while not breaking ourselves? Valarie Kaur—renowned Sikh activist, filmmaker, and civil rights lawyer—describes revolutionary love as the call of our time, a radical, joyful practice that extends in three directions: to others, to our opponents, and to ourselves. It enjoins us to see no stranger but instead look at others and say: You are part of me I do not yet know. Starting from that place of wonder, the world begins to change: It is a practice that can transform a relationship, a community, a culture, even a nation.   Kaur takes readers through her own riveting journey—as a brown girl growing up in California farmland finding her place in the world; as a young adult galvanized by the murders of Sikhs after 9/11; as a law student fighting injustices in American prisons and on Guantánamo Bay; as an activist working with communities recovering from xenophobic attacks; and as a woman trying to heal from her own experiences with police violence and sexual assault. Drawing from the wisdom of sages, scientists, and activists, Kaur reclaims love as an active, public, and revolutionary force that creates new possibilities for ourselves, our communities, and our world. See No Stranger helps us imagine new ways of being with each other—and with ourselves—so that together we can begin to build the world we want to see.

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"Here I am a lifelong mainline protestant getting my heart cracked wide open by a Sikh writer! This young lady - a junior in college - took off across the country immediately following 9/11. She witnessed violent and murderous backlash against her own friends and family. Yet she teaches us throughout her book how to LOVE in the face of cruelty and hatred. She ended up reading this book once a month over the phone to the imprisoned killer of her dear friend! Valarie Kaur moved me. She even moved me to begin making monthly donations to her "Revolutionary Love Project". Add this to your "must read" list!"

— ReadySetRead (5 out of 5 stars)

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