A wonderful world of enchantment is introduced with a magical child that angels intervene for, taking her to a school for wizards and witches within a castle in Scotland. While the evil wizard Zalendor seeks revenge on the Ministry, Magic Town, and Hogs Hollow school, by kidnapping students and stealing the Elixir of Learning. Which brings chaos and a mystery for this cute gifted girl and her two friends to solve, as they are thrust into a mystical territory where good tries to overcome the evil beings out to destroy. A beautiful tale of truth and enchantment unfolds in a supernatural way: a page turner you won’t want to miss!
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Jeff Miller grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio, where Jerry Springer attended his temple and Pete Rose broke his heart. He’s rafted down the Rio Grande with folksinger Butch Hancock, co-created an award-winning mockumentary about table tennis, and performed and written for a public access sketch comedy series. Like many lawyers, the only thing he ever really wanted to do was write. He lives with his incredible wife, Kate, and their two young sons.