George Barna goes beyond youth group and Sunday school and shows parents how to instill in their children a vibrant commitment to Christ.
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"This book should be required reading (along with the Bible) on how to successfully raise Christian children. It is a moderate view of Christian living that sometimes disproves many “beliefs” about raising spiritual champions. "
— Legacy (5 out of 5 stars)
" What an amazing book based on research by the Barna group who has also done research for Ford, Disney, and Focus on the Family. Changed my view on my role as a parent. "
— Tiffany, 1/7/2014" A great look at parenting and how to get strategic in terms of raising kids with a Godly perspective on the world around them. Great ideas and questions to get you thinking about what you're doing with your kids. "
— Samuel, 8/28/2013" This book proves to be very down to earth on what is important and what it takes to raise children in Christian home. "
— Joe, 7/15/2013" A great book that uses research on parents and adult children who are serving the Lord well to identify principles and strategies for parent's to raise healthy, God-loving and God-fearing children. "
— Paul, 5/2/2013" Incredible book. Causing me to rethink the way I parent (giving me a template to some degree) and how I encourage others to parent. "
— Kenny, 3/17/2013" Great book on parenting. Best I have read. Unbelievably challenging as well. I have a lot of work to do! "
— Rob, 2/6/2013" That parenting needs to look at one goal raising children with a great relationship with God all else as my son would say doesnt matter. "
— Lisa, 1/29/2013" great info on what has worked over time in raising children with character "
— Mindy, 11/18/2012" Great book! Gives an overview of where we are at and what parents should implement into their family's life. Definitely recommend for parents to read. It is a short and easy read for them. "
— Jeff, 4/16/2012" I've respected Barna for a number of years and I am thrilled he's come out with such a fascinating and definitive book on parenting. Very good and helpful read. It has confirmed so much of our parenting understandings. "
— Corey, 4/5/2012" Good encouragement for those who are trying to parent with a plan. I felt very affirmed. The choices we're making seem to be in line with those he says are prevailing. "
— Chris, 1/26/2011George Barna is the bestselling author of more than forty books, which have won a variety of awards and have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Founder of the Barna Group, a leading research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture, he currently leads the faith development ministry Metaformation and is also a founding director of the Strategenius Group, a business development and marketing firm. He lives with his wife and three daughters in Ventura, California.