Return to Farrellville (Abridged) Audiobook, by G. E. Brock Play Audiobook Sample

Return to Farrellville (Abridged) Audiobook

Return to Farrellville (Abridged) Audiobook, by G. E. Brock Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Josh Kilbourne Publisher: Tate Publishing Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 1.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: March 2010 Format: Abridged Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

The smallest of occurrences can create great impacts. Such was the case when stones from the quarry train fell into the switch points as it moved from the siding onto the main track. These stones prevented the switch on the main track from closing tightly. As the 7:40 train began to pick up speed, the engine's wheels hit the open switch, derailing the engine onto the adjacent road. The approaching school bus was in its path.

How are values learned? Most are handed down by parents and grandparents. In Return to Farrellville, a young man, Sean, reflects on his granddad's lessons that showed him that even the smallest of actions can have significant results. G. E. Brock deftly weaves a tale of a town held together by people who don't comprehend their own worth. Harlan and Robert, brothers torn by resentment, question their mother's love as favoritism. Sarah, scarred by a tragic accident, isolates herself to avoid rejection. Ray, haunted by one key choice, cannot forgive himself. And Daniel, shunned for his differences, unites the town with his unhesitating compassion and courage.

Return to Farrellville with Sean, meet the townspeople, and learn the exceptional difference one person can make.

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