"I won't lose you now!" said Cam in a voice ragged with emotion. The moon moved across the sky from behind the sheltering trees, and suddenly the two of them were enveloped in moonlight. "I love you, and yet I know I have no right to speak to you of this. I'm not free. I’m engaged--" "Oh, Cam, don’t!" she begged. "It cannot be. It is too late. There is no way--" A tremor coursed through her -- a premonition of danger. This was madness, she knew. The two were as much star-crossed lovers as Romeo and Juliet, theirs as forbidden a love by all the same barriers of family, church, and honor. "There has to be a way. There must be. We'll find a way!" Cam declared as he drew her into his arms. "Cam, let me go. We must forget this ever happened." "How can we?" he asked in anguish. Ransomed Bride is a historical romance that brings to life a young couple's choice between duty and love.
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Jane Peart (1925–2007) of Asheville, North Carolina; Humboldt and Marin counties, California; and in recent years, Hawaii, was the author of more than sixty works of suspense, historical fiction, and romance, which touched the hearts and minds of thousands of readers whose correspondence she treasured. She wrote for the secular and Christian market, and is best known for the Brides of Montclair series.
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