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Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World Audiobook

Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World Audiobook, by Alec Ryrie Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Tim Bruce Publisher: Highbridge Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 13.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 10.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2017 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781681684840

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

57:10 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

28:32 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

37:57 minutes

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Publisher Description

In this dazzling global history that charts five centuries of innovation and change, Alec Ryrie makes the case that Protestants made the modern world. Protestants introduces us to the men and women who defined and redefined this quarrelsome faith. Some turned to their newly accessible bibles to justify bold acts of political opposition, others to support a new understanding of who they were and what they could and should do. Above all, they were willing to fight for their beliefs. If you look at any of the great confrontations of the last five centuries, you will find Protestants defining the debate on both sides. Protestants have also fought among themselves. What unites them all is a passion for God and a vital belief in the principle of self-determination.

Protestants have set out for all four corners of the globe, embarking on courageous journeys into the unknown to set up new communities and experiment with new systems of government. They are resourceful innovators and are making new converts every day in China, Africa, and Latin America. Protestants created America and defined its special brand of entrepreneurial diligence. Whether you are yourself a Protestant, or even a Christian, you live in a world, and are guided by principles and ideas, shaped by Protestants.

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About Alec Ryrie

Alec Ryrie was born in London and grew up in Washington, D.C. He graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in history and received a doctorate in theology from Oxford University. He is the author of the prizewinning Being Protestant in Reformation Britain and The Sorcerer’s Tale: Faith and Fraud in Tudor England.

About Tim Bruce

Tim Bruce has a warm, friendly, characterful voice and works extensively in voice-over, cartoons, and audiobooks. A regular on the BBC, Tim was the voice of Channel 996 for over three years. A long list of audiobook recordings includes the award-winning Blade series, Mark Billingham’s DI Tom Thorne series, Doctor Who, the Oxford Book of War Poetry, and the poetry of William Blake. Tim has also created a whole host of cartoon character voices for CBBC, Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon Network.