Pilgrim Series 2: The Lost Hotel (BBC Radio 4: Afternoon Play) Audiobook, by Sebastian Bacziewicz Play Audiobook Sample

Pilgrim Series 2: The Lost Hotel (BBC Radio 4: Afternoon Play) Audiobook

Pilgrim Series 2: The Lost Hotel (BBC Radio 4: Afternoon Play) Audiobook, by Sebastian Bacziewicz Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Paul Hilton Publisher: AudioGO Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: March 2011 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

The second play of four in `Pilgrim Series 2 , a collection of BBC Radio 4 modern-day fantasy adventures written by Sebastian Baczkiewicz and starring Paul Hilton as Pilgrim. `The Lost Hotel was originally broadcast in the `Afternoon Play slot on 7 September 2010.

What if all the myths and folktales of these islands were true? And what if they were not only true but present now in our world? All the spirits, existing, as they have always existed, in the gaps between tower blocks, in the shadows under bridges, in the corner of our vision. An ancient and eternal world which has existed alongside ours since time immemorial and will exist long after we have gone.

Enter Pilgrim... In 1185 William Palmer was making pilgrimage to Canterbury. Unbeknownst to him his fellow pilgrim was the Lord of Faerie. When William claimed that the Church would wipe out the belief in the Faerie world, he was cursed by the Faerie Lord and condemned forever to walk between our world and theirs.

In this adventure, 'The Lost Hotel', Pilgrim has to return a changeling child - Ray Norris - to his rightful father, the King of the Greyfolk. Ray, meanwhile, is beginning to feel the benefits of his faerie lineage, with remarkable success on the stock market.

With Paul Hilton as William Palmer (`Pilgrim ), Stuart McLoughlin as Ray, Sam Alexander as Croft and Judy Parfitt as Doris. Also starring Eliza Caitlin Parkes, Iain Batchelor, Sam Dale, Christine Kavanagh, Sean Baker and Agnes Bateman. Directed by Jessica Dromgoole.

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