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Personal Reflections & Meditations (Abridged): A Journey through Four Guided Meditations for Physical and Spiritual Healing Audiobook

Personal Reflections & Meditations (Abridged): A Journey through Four Guided Meditations for Physical and Spiritual Healing Audiobook, by Bernie Siegel Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Bernie Siegel Publisher: HarperAudio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2011 Format: Abridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780062081414

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

17:51 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

06:17 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

13:11 minutes

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Publisher Description

Dr. Siegel's message is clear: ""If you talk to your body, it will listen.""

And millions of people have gained strength and support from the healing imagery workshops and bestselling books and tapes of Dr. Bernie Siegel, world-famous expert on physical and spiritual healing. Now his soothing voice and inspiring words are effectively combined with music in his compelling Personal Reflections and Mediations.

At the beginning of the recording, Dr. Siegel offers advice on how to achieve the peace of mind that is itself a powerful healing tool. He stresses the importance of an inner peace that comes from surrounding ourselves with the things that make us feel good—comforting and soothing images, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations. What follows are four actual guided meditations set to Daniel Kolbialka's uplifting musical compostion ""Timeless Motion.""

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About Bernie Siegel

Bernie Siegel is a retired pediatric surgeon and author. He received his BA from Colgate University and his MD from Cornell University Medical College. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Love, Medicine, & Miracles, along with many other books, including Peace, Love & Healing, How to Live Between Office Visits, Prescriptions for Living, and 365 Prescriptions for the Soul. He has appeared on many television and radio shows and is the founder of Exceptional Cancer Patients, a non-profit organization created to provide resources, training programs, and retreats for people dealing with cancer and other chronic illnesses. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, Bobbie.