In the seventh novel of the acclaimed Tony Valenti Thriller series, Tony battles to save his girlfriend's recently orphaned nephew from the jaws of injustice. Will fifteen-year-old Kevin Tyler be ripped away from the only home he's ever known? The ensuing legal battle sets the courts of Texas and the Canadian province of Alberta on a collision course.
Tony and his partners are up against the Texas Tylers, who have money, connections, and what appears to be an idyllic home in a gated community. But all is not as it seems. The increasingly vicious fight over Kevin's future escalates, threatening to explode into an international incident.
When a desperate Kevin takes matters into his own hands, he unwittingly sets off a life-and-death struggle no one saw coming. With danger threatening from all sides, Tony scrambles desperately to rescue Kevin before it's too late.
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Gary Bennett is an award-winning SAG-AFTRA audiobook narrator. He’s narrated over 120 audiobooks for publishers including Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Harper Audio, Hachette Audio, Tantor, Dreamscape, Podium Audio, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and others.