In the thrilling sequel to Nexus Guardian Book 1, Aias Todd embarks on an extraordinary journey through the enchanting realm of the Nexus. As a Reincarnate, he faces formidable challenges, uncovers secrets, and confronts dark forces threatening the delicate balance of this magical world. Join Aias Todd as he strives to find his place as a Nexus Guardian, forge alliances, and unravel the true purpose of his role. Will he succeed and find the peace he craves?
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Timothy McGowen writes fantasy that contains a splash of scifi and LitRPG/gamlit stories. His journey into books started with reading the Goosebumps books. Later, he read a novel by Terry Brooks and became hooked into fantasy/scifi almost instantly. Shortly after that, he was given a school assignment to write a five-page story, and twenty-five pages later, his story was half done. He hasn't stopped writing since. For more information, visit