Navigating Grief and Loss Audiobook, by Kimberly Brown Play Audiobook Sample

Navigating Grief and Loss Audiobook

Navigating Grief and Loss Audiobook, by Kimberly Brown Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Narrator Info Added Soon Publisher: Dreamscape Media Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: November 2024 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781666680263

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

17:39 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

12 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

09:16 minutes

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Publisher Description

A trusted meditation teacher shares effective and traditional tools of kindness and wisdom in this personal and useful guide to caring for yourself after loss.


Navigating Grief and Loss is a book for anyone who's experienced the pain of mourning, who's struggled to find a job, who is devastated by a bad breakup—yearning to rest, feel understood, and believe in themselves and the future. It's a guidebook filled with relatable stories and practical meditations to help navigate the profound experience of death and loss, be it an elderly parent succumbing to a lingering illness, the shock following a tragic accident, a divorce after years of conflict, or the euthanasia of a beloved pet.


Filled with traditional Buddhist wisdom into the nature of life, each short chapter honestly describes a personal experience dealing with death or grief—staying at a hospice facility at a mother's bedside, feeling frustrated by the options for a terminally ill friend, or dealing with difficult family members in the midst of a crisis. Chapters are followed by compassionate and mindful practices—meditations, exercises, or contemplations that readers can use to discover insights and truths and bring comfort and friendship to their own struggles and sorrow.

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About Kimberly Brown

Kimberly Brown is a South Carolina born and raised author of contemporary and urban romance, including novels in five series and sixteen stand-alone novels. She strives to create stories that readers can visualize in their heads as the pages turn. With a bachelor’s degree in psychology from South Carolina State University and a pending masters in mental-health counseling, she loves to incorporate mental health into her writings because it is not talked about nor addressed enough within the African American community. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.