Navigating Feedback at Work, Home, and Everywhere Else unveils the transformative power of feedback that will lead you into more joy, fulfillment, and integration in your social networks.
In the bestselling book, Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, the authors wrote: "We receive a deluge of feedback—from bosses, colleagues, friends, family—yet it rarely improves performance. The problem is that we've focused all of our attention and training on the feedback giver. Instead, it is the feedback receiver who decides whether to make use of the feedback and improve."
Navigating Feedback at Work, Home, and Everywhere Else focuses entirely on the receiver of difficult feedback. How you respond to that feedback determines, to a large extent, your destiny.
Seriously, your destiny?
In this book, author Brian Byrd will walk you through the skills necessary to embrace difficult feedback in a way that will not only improve your personal life but also your professional life.
Brian Byrd invites you on a journey to the rest of your life, which could very well lead to the years that become . . . the best of your life!
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