“My Legacy” by Geromin Reyes, a captivating tale of soul discovery and celestial revelation, is part 2 of the Kharak & Ter series. The story follows Maly’s soul, embarking on a transcendent journey alongside Kharak & Ter, Dark & Dess, and other mystical beings in the soul realm. However, an unexpected event shatters their unity when Maly vanishes in a bolt of lightning during a crucial ceremony.
As chaos ensues in the soul realm, the gods and masters debate Maly’s absence until they uncover a revelation in the Akashic book. This revelation leads to the discovery of a clause that allows souls to return to the astral plane to guide humans in fulfilling their life missions if they haven’t fully merged with the soul realm.
Through meticulous analysis of her human experiences, Maly’s journey becomes a testament to bravery and self-discovery as she navigates the complexities of the heavenly realm and fulfills her newfound purpose.
“My Legacy” weaves together themes of self-discovery, and the mystical realms of gods and souls, creating an enchanting narrative that explores the depths of the human spirit and the cosmic mysteries of existence.
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