Ruth Stiles Gannett's beloved tale of adventure and exploration, "My Father's Dragon" takes the reader on a trip to Wild Island, where the narrator's intrepid young father must navigate a maze of exotic animals - including a rhino, a lion and some hungry alligators - to rescue an imprisoned baby dragon. At once hilarious and exciting, "My Father's Dragon" is one of the most honored and cherished children's books of the 20th century and illustrator Ruth Crisman Gannett (the author's stepmother) populates the book with a series of inventive and beautiful drawings of the young explorer's adventures. This volume is presented in its original and unabridged format.
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Ruth Stiles Gannett wrote My Father’s Dragon just a few years after her graduation from Vassar College in 1944. It was an immediate success, becoming a Newbery Honor Book, and was soon followed by two sequels, Elmer and the Dragon and The Dragons of Blueland. All three dragon stories have been continuously in print since their publication. The author’s other books include Katie and the Sad Noise and The Wonderful House-Boat-Train. She was married to the artist and calligrapher Peter Kahn and had seven daughters.