Wall Street Journal Bestseller
A thought-provoking, accessible, and essential exploration of why some leaders (“Diminishers”) drain capability and intelligence from their teams, while others (“Multipliers”) amplify it to produce better results. Including a foreword by Stephen R. Covey, as well the five key disciplines that turn smart leaders into genius makers, Multipliers is a must-read for everyone from first-time managers to world leaders.
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"Very interesting insight into how leaders operate, introducing the concept of multipliers (leaders who grow their people) and diminishes (know it all leaders who don't develop talent). I don't think anyone is 100% one or the other, but this book can help understand and correct some behaviors. "
— Danny (4 out of 5 stars)
“Every so often a book comes along that forces us to ask important and difficult questions of ourselves. Multipliers is such a book. Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown challenge us to imagine a dramatically more productive future for our organizations.”
— Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO“As managers around the world grapple with a complex economic environment, this book provides a rich road map for extracting the full value of the people in their organizations. This book is a great investment for anyone managing a business in the innovation marketplace.”
— Jeff Henley, chairman of the board, Oracle Corporation“As Lincoln famously put the question: How do leaders ‘bring out the better angels of our nature?’ Multiplers gets closer to answering this fundamental leadership question than anything I’ve read in years.”
— Warren Bennis, Distinguished and University Professor at the University of Southern California and author of Still Surprised: A Memoir of of a Life in Leadership.“The book is a well-organized system that could be used as a personal tool or as a workbook for team-development seminars.”
— Booklist" Wonderful book about becoming better by helping those around us excel. "
— Arturo, 2/9/2014" Multipliers is an excellent book on leadership styles and how to make your employees grow into exceptional contributors. If you are interested to learn about your management style, you need to read this book. "
— Cara, 2/6/2014" This is somewhere between four and five stars. Great content (5 stars) but went on a little longer than I think it needed to (4 stars). "
— Rick, 2/1/2014" Very interesting insight into how leaders operate, introducing the concept of multipliers (leaders who grow their people) and diminishes (know it all leaders who don't develop talent). I don't think anyone is 100% one or the other, but this book can help understand and correct some behaviors. "
— Danny, 1/23/2014" Some good information could be dug out of this book, but I found the format quite unpleasant. It's filled with self-important charts and filled with Unnecessarily Capitalized Lingo. Using personal experience to demonstrate a point is a good trick, but it would be nice if there was more than a sentence or two of the point itself between all the stories. And frankly, many of the "Diminishers" seemed like flat-out assholes--not sure why you need a whole book to say, "Don't be an asshole." "
— Ethernight, 1/10/2014" Great insight on how attitudes and actions can help or hinder those around us. Very applicable to both our personal and work lives. "
— Mark, 1/7/2014" This book is packed with insight. Can't put it down. The time for these principles has arrived! "
— Ben, 12/31/2013" Very interesting! Easily integrated ideas for work and leadership. "
— Melissa, 12/27/2013" I give up. I actually enjoyed most of what I read, but I just can't seem to focus on work-related books as part of my free time. I also think it could be much shorter. If you're into this sort of read, it's well researched and fairly well written. I'd recommend it. It's just not my thing. "
— Alicia, 12/23/2013" Definitely written by consultants. Some great info, but not a "fun" read. "
— Brian, 12/19/2013" This book ranks up there with Built to Last and Good to Great. "
— Dave, 12/11/2013Liz Wiseman is president of the Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development center headquartered in Silicon Valley. She advises senior executives and leads strategy and leadership forums for executive teams worldwide. A former executive at Oracle Corporation, she worked as the vice president of Oracle University and for seventeen years as the global leader for human resource development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in organizational behavior, each from Brigham Young University.
Greg McKeown is a business strategist, public speaker, and bestselling author. He has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company, Fortune, Politico, and Inc., and he is among the most popular bloggers for Harvard Business Review and LinkedIn. He has been interviewed on NPR, NBC, Fox, and The Steve Harvey Show. He serves as a “young global leader” for the World Economic Forum. His New York Times bestselling book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less has sold more than a million copies worldwide.
John Meagher is a graphic designer and voice-over artist. He is also the author of the Tales of the Left Hand series, which he started writing as a side project to practice his narration skills. He lives in Virginia with his family.