Miranda Day, known as Mama Day, is the elderly matriarch of Willow Springs, a small sea island off the southeast coast of the United States. Mama Day finds herself pitted in mortal combat with dark forces that threaten the body and soul of her beloved great-niece, Cocoa, who has gone "mainside" and married an urban northerner. Mama Day will use her ancient knowledge of herbal medicine and her judicious but dangerous use of magical powers in this bitter struggle.
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"This book was one of my favorites after graduating from college. I loved the southern flavor, and how much women were celebrated. The main characters are old, and full of zip and mystery. I read this book every few years in the fall when the seasons change. Everyone needs a Mama Day in their life."
— Nina (5 out of 5 stars)
" Good Book, became unbeleivable at the end. "
— Amanda, 2/15/2014" Dark, Witty, Great at showing the relationships, Surprisingly humourous "
— Sbonkers, 2/15/2014" One of my all time favorite books. I was so touched by the story and the relationships within. I read this a while ago but can still feel the humidity of the island and can see the characters there. I found it be a very rich and emotional tale that swept me away! "
— Liz, 2/11/2014" A great love story. This book requires the reader to have an open mind about voodo practices, as it portrays the three different sides of it: charlatns, crazy-scary fanatics, and medicinal practitioners... "
— Scott, 2/5/2014" again one of my favs "
— Lili, 2/2/2014" Amazing book about love, mysticism (not in a sci-fi/fantasy way), tradition. "
— Britt, 2/2/2014" One of the most complex and colorful books I've ever read. The first part may be harder to get into, the main characters start off pretty jaded, but they change with time. And really the whole book starts once they both end up going home to the island together. An incredible read. "
— Becca, 1/27/2014" This book takes you to a (fictional) island off the coast of Georgia. And let me tell you once you cross over? You are THERE. You are totally immersed in the culture and the people of this island. I CRAVE books like this. It was absolutely delicious to read. "
— Lulu, 1/19/2014" Naylor is another great story teller of a both mystical and yet very real characters and story. I've read this one twice and loved it both times. "
— Meighan, 1/17/2014" Honestly I barely remember the details anymore -- it's been *years* since I read this book -- but I do know that i LOVE Gloria Naylor. She just blows my mind, regularly. "
— Juenbug, 1/13/2014" For the most part I really enjoyed this book. I was fascinated by the island society, but I was also a bit annoyed at the outcome. I guess I am a sucker for a happy ending. "
— Jp, 1/11/2014" One of my favorite books every. It's very magical, passionate, and just plain entertaining. "
— Paige, 1/9/2014" Totally engaging. Read it in two or three days. This book has it all: romance, the super-natural, hilarious matriarchs, grumpy old women, sly fellows who make moonshine, and a moral to boot! "
— Heather, 1/5/2014" Really loved this book. Loved the characters. Loved the dedication and devotion they had to one another and to a lifestyle not given much credit in modern society. "
— Jill, 12/30/2013" I love this kind of regional stuff. The slow, rhythmic prose laced in a way of getting to what you want and still being able to respect the unknown forces surrounding all things. I dunno, I find it really satisfying and enjoyable to read and read about. "
— Cody, 12/11/2013" A beautiful book - I want to read more by this author. "
— Genya, 12/7/2013" Gloria Naylor writes with delicious description, combining fiction and fantasy into my favorite book ever. It's one of the only books that made me cry, and I can re-read it a million times and always discover something new in her writing. "
— Sarah, 9/12/2013" I read this book for an Afr Am Lit seminar and was skeptical at first. The prose seemed too flowery and lyrical, almost excessive. But as I got further into it, it really blew my mind. This book is really beautiful, intelligent, romantic, and smart. I would recommend it to women, definitely. "
— Jess, 8/25/2013" I picked up this book intending to get a couple of chapters in before bed. I never put it down. To this day, this book is one of my favorite books and opened my world to the incredible characters, towns, and words of Gloria Naylor. "
— Kristen, 7/25/2013" Naylor is the absolute master of character development. This is an amazing and powerful story about love, relationships, family, tradition, mysticism, and belief. Please read this book! "
— Rachel, 6/19/2013" Love Naylor's writing style. Love her characters. Love the conflict she captures in finding your place in relation to your heritage. Shoot, I even love the love story, and I hate love stories. One of my all-time favorites. "
— Erin, 4/11/2013" i read this in college. i like voo doo. "
— Janice, 3/31/2013" This is another journey. If you liked the secret life of bees than you'll be intrigued by this. This should be an american classic; a blend of vodooism, southern life and the deep desire to have a child. "
— Gretchen, 12/14/2012" This book is GREAT! It's so magical and fantastic. If you've read and like Shakespeare, you'll love this! "
— Adela, 11/28/2012" Liked it. People growing things, sewing things, cursing things. "
— Erin, 11/5/2012" Although it has been many years since I read it, I clearly remember its rich texture. If I find it again I will most certainly re-read it. "
— Heather, 9/6/2012" Powerful women, mystic magic and a breathtaking location. "
— Brian, 12/13/2011" One of my all-time favorites. I've read Mama Day and Bailey's Cafe at least five times each. "
— Jared, 4/19/2011" Wow, this was beautiful. I liked it a lot more than I was expecting. "
— Aleesha, 3/31/2011" Honestly I barely remember the details anymore -- it's been *years* since I read this book -- but I do know that i LOVE Gloria Naylor. She just blows my mind, regularly. "
— Juenbug, 3/27/2011" This is a great book to follow Bailey's Cafe but doesn't have to. It has a mystical touch to the story of what could be an ordinary couple. "
— Sara, 12/9/2010" Great stuff. Just the right balance of spirituality and realism. I thought the characters were well done and the setting engrossing. There was a lot to learn from and about this book and even though it took me a while to finish it, I found it enjoyable to read whenever I picked it up. "
— Timothy, 11/12/2010" One of the best books I have ever read!!! <br/>Mama Day is my grandmother...without the ESP "
— Christina, 10/1/2010" Not such a good idea to get book club books from paperback swap, hope I have enough time! "
— Al, 9/9/2010" Mystical powerful story with rich metaphor and persistent plot. Great road trip read aloud! "
— Christina, 8/29/2010" This story is written with as much magic as Naylor includes in her story. I resd it shortly after a visit to South Carolina and it makes me want to go back "
— Jacqueline, 8/18/2010" This is my favorite book. Ms. Naylor does an oustanding job of creating characters I loved. This book made me cried and it made me the biggest fan of Gloria Naylor "
— Jackie, 7/13/2010" I read this years ago and loved it. I need to read it again. "
— Audrey, 7/8/2010Gloria Naylor was born in New York City in 1950, where she grew up and still lives. She received her BA in English from Brooklyn College and her MA in Afro-American studies from Yale University. She has taught writing and literature at George Washington University, New York University, Boston University, and Cornell University.