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Magic Audiobook

Magic Audiobook, by Manly Palmer Hall Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Henry Schrader Publisher: Mockingbird Press Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 1.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781684931125

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

43:09 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

09 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

14:10 minutes

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Publisher Description

Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism (1929) is a short work by author, mystic, and lecturer Manly P. Hall. By exploring the differences between black and white magic, this book seeks to guide fellow occultists away from those practices which damage the spirit and lead to the loss of the soul. Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism explores the differences between black magic and white magic-how they are practiced, the justifications behind both, and the inevitable results of each. "Motive is the key to the problem of Magic," he explains. "Even the greatest of White Magicians can become a degenerate in an instant if his motive becomes unworthy. The White Magician serves humanity; the Black Magician seeks to serve himself." This ulterior motive leads the Black Magician into selfish and destructive behaviors, rather than the wise and learned actions of the White Magician who seeks only to do good. Through his description of black and white magic, Hall explores the very nature of good and evil. He argues against the personification of "natural principles." In his view, the Devil is not a person at all, but a natural occurrence, comprised of all manner of sins. He is "...the spirit of perversion or negation, the created principle of misuse." As an abuser of magic, the Black Magician can indeed be said to serve "the two great demons of creation"-Satan (Saturn) and Lucifer (Mars). But the White Magician, free of selfish desire, "consecrates his life to study, meditation, and service....He molds himself into the Plan, becoming part of the divine rhythm by sacrificing himself and his wishes to the will of the Infinite, asking only to know wherein his duty lies and how he may be of the greatest service to the greatest number."

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About Manly Palmer Hall

Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) founded the Philosophical Research Society in 1934, a non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of useful knowledge in the fields of philosophy, comparative religion and psychology. In his long career, spanning more than 70 years of dynamic public activity, Mr. Hall delivered over 8000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles.

Many of Mr. Hall's lectures have been transcribed and are available as pamphlets; others were taped live, and the audio recordings are available on CD's as well. He is perhaps best known for his 1928 classic, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages," an encyclopedia of the world's wisdom traditions and symbolic disciplines.

Today, younger generations are re-discovering the works and words of Manly Hall, finding that the material he put forth so many years ago is still relevant and useful today. Mr. Hall's hope for humanity was to learn from the greatest minds of all times so that we may solve current problems - both in society and in the individual - today.