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L’espagnol, Vol. 1 Audiobook

L’espagnol, Vol. 1 Audiobook, by Earworms Learning Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Beatriz Toscano, Hélène Pollmann, François Wittersheim Publisher: Earworms Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2018 Format: Other Audiobook ISBN: 9781982629960

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

08:06 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

04:24 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

07:04 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

earworms MMM (M├®thode Musicale de M├®morisation) vous propose d'apprendre efficacement une langue gr├óce ├á la m├®thode de m├®morisation par la musique. Un r├®pertoire de plus de 200 termes essentiels et phrases-clefs sont ancr├®s profond├®ment dans votre m├®moire par la douce r├®p├®tition de la musique.

Le volume 1 est votre kit de survie, soit l'essentiel des mots et expressions n├®cessaires pour votre s├®jour ├á l'├®tranger et pour les situations classiques que vous pouvez rencontrer.

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“So, what’s my verdict on Earworms language lessons? As the Dutch say, ‘heel goed!’ (Very good!)”

— Wired

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About Earworms Learning

Earworms MBT is an accelerated learning technique that takes a new and innovative approach to language learning. Based on the science behind catchy songs that become stuck in one’s head (the auditory cortex), Earworms works by pairing melodic music with soft-spoken foreign words, phrases, and their translations. The result is an incredibly effective method for learning conversational foreign languages by simply listening.

About Beatriz Toscano

Beatriz Toscano is an Earworms MBT language instructor. She can be heard in all three volumes of Earworms’ Rapid Spanish (Latin American) and Rapid Spanish (European).