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Lost and Philosophy: The Island Has Its Reasons Audiobook

Lost and Philosophy: The Island Has Its Reasons Audiobook, by Sharon Kaye Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Lindsay Ellison Publisher: Tantor Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 6.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781705261729

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

37:20 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

10:40 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

25:41 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


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Publisher Description

When Flight 815 crashes on a remote tropical island, it gets stuck in a philosophical quagmire. Survivors band together to guard against surreal dangers, but who will guard the guardians? Thrust into the state of nature, our scantily clad and well-tanned heros learn that they were lost long before the crash. Watching them wrestle their demons, you may realize you're lost too. Locke, Rousseau, Hume. Who are these people? Sometimes it feels like you need a Ph.D. to follow the show. But you don't. You just need this book in which twenty-one philosophers explore the deep questions we all face as survivors on this planet: Does "everything happen for a reason"? Is torture ever justified? Who are the Others? How do we know we're not patients in Hurley's psych ward? What if the Dharma Intitiative is experimenting on us? Desmond may not be able to save Charlie, but this book could save you.

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About Lindsay Ellison

Lindsay Ellison is a narrator, producer, director, editor, performer, teacher, and a published and recorded songwriter and poet. She has narrated hundreds of audiobooks for the Library of Congress and the Perkins School for the Blind. She is an improvisational storyteller and a spokesperson for art and literacy on several New England television stations, and she coaches the art of narration nationally.