PROGRAM YOUR MIND TO DETACH FROM YOUR PARTNER'S NEGATIVITYDon't allow your partner's problems to create a problem for you. It is your right to choose not to be affected by someone else's negative viewpoint. This proven two-part system of spoken and subliminal suggestions assists you to remain calm and at peace while living with a negative person.In track 1-Hypnosis-you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, taking you into a theta-level hypnotic state or inducing sleep, during which your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. The impactful statements you will hear include: You are now fully aware that you cannot change another person; you can only change your own reaction to them. You no longer allow someone else's negativity to create a problem within you. From this moment on negativity flows through you without affecting you. From this moment on you are at peace with yourself and the person you live with. You now choose to view life as a tranquil oneness.You will then be encouraged to visualize yourself having accomplished your goal of detaching from negativity and be given affirmations to repeat, all of which enhances this programming. You will also receive these key trigger words for your posthypnotic conditioned response: "detached mind."Then in track 2-Subliminal Programming-the same positive messaging will be relayed to you again, this time embedded in calming music. In this way, the suggestions you heard in track 1 will continue to be reinforced through this incredibly powerful mind-programming technique.
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Dick Sutphen (1937–2020) was an author, hypnotist, and seminar trainer. He wrote more than thirty-two books and more than 600 hypnosis, meditation, and regressive hypnosis audio programs. His bestselling books, You Were Born Again to Be Together; Past Lives, Future Loves; and Unseen Influences have become classic metaphysical/self-help titles. Website: