In the bestselling tradition of Truman, two-time Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer David Herbert Donald offers a new classic in American history and biography—a masterly account of how one man's extraordinary political acumen steered the Union to victory in the Civil War and of how his soaring rhetoric gave meaning to that agonizing struggle for nationhood and equality.
Donald spent fifty years studying Lincoln, tracing his rise from humble origins to the pinnacle of the presidency. He reveals the development of the future president's character and shows how Lincoln's enormous capacity for growth enabled one of the least experienced men ever elected to high office to become a giant in the annals of American politics. He also depicts a man who was basically passive by nature yet ambitious enough to take enormous risks and overcome repeated defeats.
Much more than a political biography, Lincoln seats us behind the desk of a president who was both a master of ambiguity and expediency and a great moral leader, as he makes the decisions that preserved the Union and shaped modern America.
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"An excellent biography that relies as much as possible in Lincoln's own words. It is a long but engaging read as Donald traces Lincoln's life from childhood through his rise as a lawyer and leader in the Illinois Republican party to his election as president and assassination. I thought Donald was particularly successful at showing Lincoln's transformation from an inexperienced executive to a confident and savvy leader who still retained his folksy charm. After almost 600 pages of closely analyzing Lincoln's life, Donald gracefully and humbly presents Lincoln to us to judge him for ourselves by closing the book with a narrative of Lincoln's last day. Do not be discouraged by the length of this book. It is worth it."
— Julie (5 out of 5 stars)
“Eagerly awaited, Lincoln fulfills expectations. Donald writes with lucidity and elegance.”
— James M. McPherson“Lincoln immediately takes its place among the best of the genre, and it is unlikely that it will be surpassed in elegance, incisiveness and originality in this century.”
— Harold Holzer“Mr. Donald’s Lincoln is so lucid and richly researched, so careful and compelling, that it is hard to imagine a more satisfying life of our most admired and least understood president.”
— New York Times Book Review“A grand work—the Lincoln biography for this generation.”
— Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.“Donald proves himself the superb biographer of Lincoln”
— Library Journal“Donald, a two-time Pulitzer Prize–winning author…offers here a provocative reinterpretation of Abraham Lincoln’s career and character.”
— Publishers Weekly“How [Lincoln] eventually became the leading Republican in Illinois, then president, and then successful commander-in-chief is a wondrous story, and it is brilliantly interpreted here.”
— Booklist" Very good book for a beginner like me. "
— Naomaru, 2/17/2014" Arguably the best one-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln. "
— Bayoumacs, 2/13/2014" Very exhaustive biography on one of the most famous Presidents in American history. It's long and sometimes dry at times, but you walk away feeling with an enhanced knowledge of a fascinating man. "
— Josh, 2/10/2014" An outstanding biography of the man. The perspective is as he saw things, gathered information, tried different approaches, made mistakes, learned from them and kept going through a terrible time. Humanized the man and made me admire him all the more!! "
— Doug, 2/5/2014" Lincoln only grew a beard when he was running for president, in order to look more serious. "
— Greg, 2/5/2014" This emminently readable biography is a delight. I learned so much about Lincoln, the Civil War, Mary Todd Lincoln and the tragedy of Abraham's life. Wonderful reading! "
— Barbara, 1/27/2014" Excellent. Took me 3 years of stopping and starting, but finally finished it. "
— Gail, 1/23/2014" A great, page-turning one volume biography of Lincoln. The reward was the stories that fill the factual lack that tends to surround to beloved and celebrated historical icons. The political maneuvering of Lincoln, trying to balance his evolving personal convictions with what was political feasible, and facing opposition from within and without his own party and the American people, while facing a multitude of challenges, really came alive in this book. And it's hard to not read this with some eye on our present circumstances, and a newly elected President from Illinois facing a multitude of problems while considering all the voices shouting at him, both support and dissent. "
— Cornelio, 1/23/2014" Really interesting in depth biography of Lincoln. Sometimes a bit too in depth but overall worth reading "
— Anne, 1/20/2014" has finished reading the best biography ever: "Lincoln". Not sure if its the writing or the Lincoln's life that makes it such an excellent read. "
— Ravish, 1/5/2014" A very good historical read. "
— Deborah, 1/2/2014Dick Estell was instrumental in the formation of National Public Radio and served as board chairman from 1972–74. During this period he syndicated The Radio Reader to other public radio stations in the US. He retired from WKAR in 1986 but continues to produce The Radio Reader from his home studio.