Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Lifes Journey (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Jack Armstrong Play Audiobook Sample

Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Life's Journey Audiobook (Unabridged)

Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Lifes Journey (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Jack Armstrong Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Jack Armstrong Publisher: Jack Armstrong Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 2.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2012 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Wouldn't it be great if life came with an instruction manual?

The good news is there is one - and it's filled with simple, practical (and enjoyable!) lessons to help us understand why we're here and what life is all about. For example:

This life on earth is a gift. It is fun. It is a training ground, a diversion, a vacation. It is an exercise in re-learning all that you already know. It is a way to express all that is good - joy, peace, love, gentleness, power, poise, wisdom, confidence, blessings, hope, and security. You have chosen this set of circumstances so you may grow. So do so. Laugh and love and live joyously. Be confident of your good and simply accept it. The physical world will change according to your will if you will just believe.

That statement is from the gentle voice of wisdom speaking through the highly acclaimed book, Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Life's Journey.

The refreshing, reassuring perspective on life found in Lessons from the Source can help us meet life's challenges and build a foundation for our own personal belief systems.

Readers have responded enthusiastically to Lessons from the Source, calling it:

A common sense, everyday guide to enjoying life's adventure.

A personal, one-on-one coaching session with God.

A condensed, user-friendly version of A Course in Miracles.

Comforting, non-dogmatic guidance for living a peaceful, joyous, and loving life.

Bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that are perfect for daily devotionals.

Received and transcribed through the same form of channeling as A Course in Miracles and Conversations with God, the book offers a concise, easy-to-understand presentation of profound spiritual principles - a new interpretation of ancient wisdom for life in today's world.

Jack Armstrong, who received the lessons in the book, is a professional ...

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