earworms MMM (M├®thode Musicale de M├®morisation) vous propose d'apprendre efficacement une langue gr├óce ├á la m├®thode de m├®morisation par la musique. Un r├®pertoire de plus de 200 termes essentiels et phrases-clefs sont ancr├®s profond├®ment dans votre m├®moire par la douce r├®p├®tition de la musique.
Le volume 1 est votre kit de survie, soit l'essentiel des mots et expressions n├®cessaires pour votre s├®jour ├á l'├®tranger et pour les situations classiques que vous pouvez rencontrer.
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“So, what’s my verdict on Earworms language lessons? As the Dutch say, ‘heel goed!’ (Very good!)”
— Wired
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Earworms MBT is an accelerated learning technique that takes a new and innovative approach to language learning. Based on the science behind catchy songs that become stuck in one’s head (the auditory cortex), Earworms works by pairing melodic music with soft-spoken foreign words, phrases, and their translations. The result is an incredibly effective method for learning conversational foreign languages by simply listening.
Téa Obreht was born in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia in 1985 and has lived in the United States since the age of twelve. Her writing has been published in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, Harper’s, and the Guardian, and has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Nonrequired Reading. She has been named by the New Yorker as one of the twenty best American fiction writers under forty. She lives in New York.