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La tregua (The Truce): (The Truce) Audiobook

La tregua (The Truce): (The Truce) Audiobook, by Mario Benedetti Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Francisco Rivela Publisher: Recorded Books Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 4.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2009 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781428197930

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

40:15 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

59 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

31:14 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

Martin Santome, viudo con tres hijos en visperas de su jubilacion, comienza a registrar en un diario intimo su vida gris y sin relieve. La vida cotidiana de la rutina oficinesca y la de un hogar desunido y crispado se veran alteradas cierto dia, cuando irrumpe en su opaca existencia la joven Laura Avellaneda, nueva empleada a sus ordenes. Y ese cincuenton, hombre mediano pero no mediocre, consciente de sus limites y su desgana, decide abrir, casi sin proponerselo, un parentesis luminoso.

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About Mario Benedetti

Mario Orlando Hardy Hamlet Brenno Benedetti Farrugia, known as Mario Benedetti (1920–2009), was an Uruguayan journalist, novelist, and poet.

About Francisco Rivela

Francisco Rivela is an actor, director, and announcer. His stage credits include many productions at the Spanish Repertory Theatre and other Hispanic theatres. Television appearances include The Cosby Show and several daytime dramas. Mr. Rivela presents his own dramatic projects in SOHO, and he has recorded many books for the American Foundation for the Blind and Recorded Books.

Francisco Rivela es actor, director y locutor. Sus créditos teatrales incluyen muchas producciones en el Repertorio Español y otros teatros hispanos. Apariciones en televisión incluyen The Cosby Show y varios dramas diurnos. Sr. Rivela presenta sus propios proyectos dramáticos en SOHO, y ha grabado muchos libros para la American Foundation for the Blind y Recorded Books.