La luz de tu sombra (Abridged) Audiobook, by Marianne Williamson Play Audiobook Sample

La luz de tu sombra (Abridged) Audiobook

La luz de tu sombra (Abridged) Audiobook, by Marianne Williamson Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: María Sandoval, Alejandro Correa, Janina Hidalgo Publisher: Sonolibro Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 2.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2016 Format: Abridged Audiobook ISBN: 9786078095124

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Publisher Description

“La Luz de tu sombra” Guía de viaje para que conozcas tu sombra que resulta en una magnífica receta para los problemas no resueltos. Si no conoces tu sombra y la niegas, ella decide por ti, te controla, te provoca más dolor y es capaz de destruir lo que amas.

El auto-sabotaje, los malos hábitos y las adicciones forman parte de ella. Cuando la conoces, de ser un temible enemigo, pasa a ser tu mejor aliado. ¡Logra vivir tu vida en una forma más plena, creativa, e incluso, divertida!

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About the Authors

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed lecturer and New York Times bestselling author. She has been a popular guest on a number of television programs, including Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, and Charlie Rose. Williamson is the founder of Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. She is a native of Houston, Texas.

Deepak Chopra MD, FACP, founder of the Chopra Foundation, a nonprofit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism, and Chopra Global, a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of over eighty-nine books translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His ninetieth book and national bestseller, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential (Harmony Books), unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. Time magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of the top one hundred heroes and icons of the century.”

Debbie Ford (1955–2013) wrote The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, The Secret of the Shadow, Spiritual Divorce, The Right Questions, The Best Year of Your Life, Why Good People Do Bad Things, and The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, among other works. Her books sold over one million copies and have been translated into thirty-two languages. She led workshops on “Shadow Process,” hosted TV and radio shows, and also established the Ford Institute for Transformational Training.