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La intérprete (The Interpreter Spanish Edition) Audiobook

La intérprete (The Interpreter Spanish Edition) Audiobook, by Olivia Abtahi Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Ana Osorio, Jane Santos, Carolina Ayala, Vaneh Assadourian, Alex Ruiz Publisher: Random House Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2025 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9798217082865

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

06:59 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

15 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

02:11 minutes

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Publisher Description

Un conmovedor y sincero libro ilustrado sobre una joven que tiene dos trabajos, uno como chica aficionada del futbol y otro como intérprete para sus padres hispanohablantes.

Cuando Cecilia no está en el campo de futbol marcando goles, acompaña a sus padres a todo tipo de lugares para adultos, como la oficina de licencias de conducir, el despacho del contador y el taller de automóviles. Les ayuda traduciendo del español al inglés y viceversa. Es un trabajo importante e incluso puede ser divertido. También es muy agotador.

A veces, equilibrar sus dos trabajos (disfrutar su niñez y ser intérprete) implica tanta responsabilidad que ¡Cecilia siente que se divide en dos! ¿Es hora de que Cecilia sople su silbato y pida un tiempo muerto?

El ingenioso texto de Olivia Abtahi y las encantadoras ilustraciones de Monica Arnaldo capturan un aspecto común de la vida de las familias inmigrantes y bilingües y, al mismo tiempo, ofrecen un modelo de trabajo en equipo que ayuda a que todos se sientan comprendidos.


A sharp and heartfelt picture book debut about a young girl who has two jobs, one as a soccer-loving kid and another as a translator for her Spanish-speaking parents

Some kids have one job: to be a kid! Cecilia has two. When she isn't on the soccer field scoring goals, Cecilia accompanies her parents to all kinds of grown-up places that her teammates don't go to, like the DMV, the accountant's office, and the auto shop. She helps them translate from Spanish to English and from English to Spanish. It can be fun, but often it's really hard work.

Sometimes Cecilia's second job is so much responsibility, it feels like she'll split in two! That is, until she calls a time out.

Olivia Abtahi’s clever text and Monica Arnaldo’s charming illustrations capture a common aspect of life for immigrant and bilingual families while offering a model for teamwork that helps everyone feel understood.

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About Ana Osorio

Christian Barillas is an Earphones Award–winning audio narrator and actor based in Los Angeles with credits in theater, film, and television. His professional career began with Center Theater Group’s A Very Old Man with Enourmous Wings, a short story by Gabriel García Márquez. He then appeared in several productions in and around Los Angeles including As You Like It, Sonia Flew, and A Christmas Carol. On television, he is perhaps most recognizable as Ronaldo on Modern Family, where he appears opposite Tony winner and Emmy nominee Nathan Lane.