The Folger Shakespeare Library, home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection, brings Julius Caesar to life with this new full-length, full-cast dramatic recording of its definitive Folger Edition.
The Folger Shakespeare Library, home to the world's largest Shakespeare collection, brings Julius Caesar to life with this new full-length, full-cast dramatic recording of its definiitive Folger Edition.
Shakespeare may have written Julius Caesar as the first of his plays to be performed at the Globe, in 1599. For it, he turned to a key event in Roman history: Caesar’s death at the hands of friends and fellow politicians. Renaissance writers disagreed over the assassination, seeing Brutus, a leading conspirator, as either hero or villain. Shakespeare’s play keeps this debate alive.
This new unabridged audio recording of the well-respected edition of Shakespeare’s classic—expertly produced by the Folger Theatre--is perfect for students, teachers, and the everyday listener.
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"This is a classic Shakespeare play. Julius Caesar is such a great story about the real assassination of Julius during his reign. This is a classical play, and Shakespeare is the most talented and well known writer in history."
— Sophia (5 out of 5 stars)
" A great play, but we sure to read the introduction by Martin Wiggins. He makes a number of canny observations that will enrich your reading. "
— Mike, 2/11/2014" I also really like the movie with marlon brando, laurence olivier and others! "
— Franck, 2/9/2014" The language is incredible and sets the tone and background for one of my favourite plays, Antony and Cleopatra. "
— David, 2/5/2014" One of my favorite Shakespeares, believe it or not. I had a lot of fun analyzing it. "
— Cathy, 1/30/2014" The book Julius Caeser was an good book overall. The only problem i had with the book was the way that they spoke. The way that they spoke was very different then modern day english and it was hard to comprehend. Their were to many characters in the book to understand who everybody was. "
— William, 1/18/2014" One of Shakespeare's finest works. A true classic. "
— Daniel, 1/17/2014" I felt more should have come from this time period... "
— Karen, 1/15/2014" I could read it again. It was bearable . I'd give it 3.5 stars. Not my favorite book, but I kind of liked it. "
— Morgan, 1/8/2014" One of Shakespeare's better tragedies, a wonderful tale of betrayal and realpolitik. "
— Steven, 1/3/2014" When you look at Julius Caesar as a drama, it can be kind of terrible because it is overly dramatized. But, it can be funny in some parts, such as the "mender of soles". "
— Maia, 12/25/2013" All pity choked with custom of fell deeds "
— Maxwell, 12/17/2013" I really did enjoy reading this book. I enjoyed the twists and turns that Shakespeare applies to his writing. It was kinda hard to understand at first but reading it on No Fear Shakespeare helped quite a bit. This is a book that everyone should read. "
— Garrett, 12/12/2013" Julius Caesar gives an interesting take on the occurances that led up to the death of the most famous Roman emperor. It is a terrific account of one of history's greatest betrayals. "
— Taylor, 10/8/2013" If you like Shakespeare and have the patience to translate his iambic pentameter and original language, this is probably the most dynamic of his works. It seems to have a little bit of everything, and, besides, who can pass up a good tale of betrayal and power hunger?? "
— Kristin, 8/21/2013" Definitely not my favorite Shakespeare. I thought the language, while still a billion times better than what I can do, doesnt live up to his other works. This was my first time through, though, and I always like Shakespeare better each time I read a specific play. "
— Bridgit, 8/8/2013" I HATE this one. I muddled through it only because it was an assignment. Shakespeare is not for me! The only thing I did like was that nearly everyone dies. Thats pretty awesome. "
— Brittney, 6/5/2013" if zero stars was an option thats probably what id give it "
— Orli, 4/26/2012" Amici romani concittadini, prestatemi orecchio! "
— Gianfranco, 4/6/2012" This is my favourite book of Shakespeare... awesome work.... "
— Manish, 3/30/2012" omg i feel so sad for brutus :(((((( "
— Cecerose, 11/10/2011" the theme of good people being swayed to make really poor choices - and then how they live (or not) with those choices intrigues me in Shakespeare's work. "
— Pat, 7/1/2011" Julius Caesar is the first Shakeaspeare I ever read (in English I). I didn't remember much of it when I picked it up again in preparation for a performance at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, but was pleasantly surprised by how modern and relevant it seemed. "
— Sylvie, 6/29/2011" Whether or not you believe that one man named William Shakespeare wrote these plays, it cannot be denied that they are greatly enjoyable on their own and have influenced countless other works of art throughout the ages. "
— Lori, 2/17/2011William Shakespeare (1564–1616), English poet and dramatist of the Elizabethan and early Jacobean period, is the most widely known author in all of English literature and often considered the greatest. He was an active member of a theater company for at least twenty years, during which time he wrote many great plays. Plays were not prized as literature at the time and Shakespeare was not widely read until the middle of the eighteenth century, when a great upsurge of interest in his works began that continues today.