The New York Times bestselling author of The Shattering and Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects delivers a sensational tie-in to the newest World of Warcraft game expansion.
The ashes of the Cataclysm have settled across Azeroth’s disparate kingdoms. As the broken world recovers from the disaster, the renowned sorceress Lady Jaina Proudmoore continues her long struggle to mend relations between the Horde and the Alliance. Yet of late, escalating tensions have pushed the two factions closer to open war, threatening to destroy what little stability remains in the . . . Dark news arrives in Jaina’s beloved city, Theramore. One of the blue dragonflight’s most powerful artifacts—the Focusing Iris—has been stolen. To unravel the item’s mysterious whereabouts, Jaina works with the former blue Dragon Aspect Kalecgos. The two brilliant heroes forge an unlikely bond during their investigation, but another disastrous turn of events looms on the horizon. . . . Garrosh Hellscream is mustering the Horde’s armies for an all-out invasion of Theramore. Despite mounting dissent within his faction, the brazen warchief aims to usher in a new era of Horde domination. His thirst for conquest leads him to take brutal measures against anyone who dares question his leadership. Alliance forces converge on Theramore to repel the Horde onslaught, but the brave defenders are unprepared for the true scope of Garrosh’s cunning and deceptive strategy. His attack will irrevocably transform Jaina, engulfing the ardent peacekeeper in the chaotic and all-consuming . . .
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"The latest of the World of Warcraft novels, and one of my favorite so far. With the release of the Cataclysm expansion, Blizzard had said that the story of the game would be focusing more on the Alliance vs. Horde aspect, considering that the Wrath of the Lich King storyline had the Alliance and Horde working together. This book really takes that Horde vs. Alliance dynamic and runs with it. Garrosh Hellscream is the current Warchief of the Horde, and he is not satisfied with the current shaky peace between the two factions. He wants nothing less than to kick the Alliance off the continent of Kalimdor and to eventually conquer the Eartern Kingdoms. To this end he uses some very brutal tactics. Lady Jaina Proudmoore, long known as a moderate and a voice for peace between the Horde and Alliance is on the receiving end, as is her city of Theramore. What we see is a complete shift in Jaina's views and beliefs. She knows that peace is no longer an option with Garrosh Hellscream as leader of the Horde, and she prepares herself for war.One of the reasons I enjoy the World of Warcraft novels so much is that while playing the game, I can actually visit the places in the book. When a building or area is described, I don't have to try to build a picture in my head, it is already there because I have seen and been in that building. It really adds to the enjoyment for me."
— Michael (4 out of 5 stars)
“The plot and action are straightforward. The grand and sweeping battle sequences in particular—featuring rampaging molten giants made of rock, a wide range of other creatures and plenty of magic—will likely satisfy World of Warcraft newbies and aficionados alike. A well-crafted installment in the World of Warcraft saga.”
— Kirkus Reviews" If you are a Warcraft Lore hound such as myself. No, wait. If you like fiction. READ THIS BOOK. By far one of the most well written Novels i've read in quite a while (Next to Exile) I was hooked from beginning to end. I wanted more after it was over! Needless to say, Mists of Pandaria cannot come soon enough, so I can take in the Brilliantly told story from a better prospective. Blizzard and Christie Golden Deliver yet again with this book! "
— Tom, 1/25/2014" It was a good look into one of the latest key events in wow lore. "
— Shawn, 1/8/2014" This was too short. A good book has you hitting the last page asking for more. I'm asking.... :) "
— Lexi, 12/13/2013" I was really hoping for a strong female character given the lack of them found on the alliance side since Tyrande's recent regression. I guess Sylvanas will do for another expansion. "
— Nick, 12/3/2013" Loved this book! Action packed, equally distributes point of view between the alliance, the horde and the dragon flights. Great lore! "
— Cynthia, 11/22/2013" In a nutshell, Tides of War is the fantasy version of Hiroshima. Nuff said. "
— infael, 11/1/2013" This is the first World of Warcraft novel I've read and for the most part i really enjoyed it. It is a bit dry. There was one major lore error I noticed. But overall, a good read, and I will be checking out her other books in this series. "
— Melly, 10/26/2013" I thought it was great, but it's also extremely relevant to my interests, so I'm biased :) Definitely an Alliance-centric book, setting the Horde (Garrosh) up to be the Big Bad Guys. But I like Jaina's character and Kalec's character and it was a fun read, with very fantasy heavy prose though. "
— Katie, 10/24/2013" This book is awful. Anyone that's read the older books or played Warcraft could write a better short story in less than a day. I hope I can find the receipt. "
— Bill, 9/22/2013" One of the better books in the series. My only complaint is they kill off characters I enjoy in every book while not introducing new ones. Sadly, this means the count of characters I give a crud about is less than a handful. "
— Christina, 9/8/2013Christie Golden is the New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty novels, including Star Wars: Dark Disciple and the Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi novels Omen, Allies, and Ascension. Her media tie-in works include launching the Ravenloft line in 1991 with Vampire of the Mists, Fable: Edge of the World, more than a dozen Star Trek novels, and multiple World of Warcraft and StarCraft novels, including World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects and StarCraft II: Devils’ Due.
Justine Eyre is a classically trained actress who has narrated many audiobooks, earning the prestigious Audie Award for best narration and numerous Earphones Awards. She is multilingual and known for her great facility with accents. She has appeared on stage, with leading roles in King Lear and The Crucible, and has had starring roles in four films on the indie circuit. Her television credits include Two and a Half Men and Mad Men.