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Inside the Nazi War Machine: How Three Generals Unleashed Hitler's Blitzkrieg Upon the World Audiobook

Inside the Nazi War Machine: How Three Generals Unleashed Hitlers Blitzkrieg Upon the World Audiobook, by Bevin Alexander Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Ray Porter Publisher: Oasis Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: September 2010 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781608147465

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

26:22 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

09:29 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

18:50 minutes

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Publisher Description

In 1940, as Nazi Germany spread its wings of war, France stood secure in the knowledge that they possessed the largest, most formidable, and best equipped army in Europe. France also had a stalwart ally in Britain and the support of Holland and Belgium. But they were all about to face a new kind of enemy who fought a new kind of war. In this audio book, expert military strategist Bevin Alexander examines the groundbreaking martial concepts developed by three brilliant generals- Erwin Rommel, Erich von Manstein, and Heinz Guderian. Their plan was to unleash the power of the tank, grouping them into juggernauts that would slam into-and through-enemy lines, as aircraft supported them and ground forces swept in behind them. It was the Blitzkrieg. And it alerted the world that the deadly might of Germany could no longer be ignored...

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“Bevin Alexander has superbly chronicled one of World War II’s most dramatic events.”

— Carlo D’Este, author of Patton: A Genius for War

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About Bevin Alexander

Bevin Alexander is the author of seven books of military history, including How Hitler Could Have Won World War II and Lost Victories, which was named by the Civil War Book Review as one of the seventeen books that have most transformed Civil War scholarship. He was an advisor to the Rand Corporation for a study on future warfare and was a participant in a war-game simulation run by the Training and Doctrine Command of the US Army. His battle studies of the Korean War, written during his decorated service as a combat historian, are stored in the National Archives in Washington, DC. He lives in Bremo Bluff, Virginia.

About Ray Porter

Ray Porter has garnered two Audie nominations as well as several Earphones Awards and enthusiastic reviews for his sparkling narration of audiobooks. A fifteen-year veteran of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, he has also appeared in numerous films and television shows.