Hollywood Hulk Hogan™?
Brother, you don't know squat about me.
Yeah, I'm the towering red-and-yellow warrior who revolutionized the wrestling business, the larger-than-life superhero who transformed an entire country into a horde of Hulkamaniacs™. I'm the guy who spit blood and breathed fire to help create an empire called World Wrestling Entertainment™.
But it wasn't always like that. Once I was a fat kid named Terry Bollea watching legends like Dusty Rhodes and Superstar Billy Graham, never dreaming I'd be a professional wrestler myself one day.
Find out what makes me cry like a baby and what makes my blood boil. Then tell me you know the man called Hollywood Hulk Hogan™.
Join the Babe Ruth of wrestling on a gritty, no-holds-barred odyssey from his start in the barbaric wrestling arenas of the seventies through the humiliation of his involvement in federal steroid-abuse trials to the achievement of his greatest triumph yet.
Along the way, lock up with the likes of Mr. T, Ted Turner, The Rock®...and of course, Vince McMahon™, head of World Wrestling Entertainment™.
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"In this story Hollywood Hulk Hogan you learn about the famous wrestler Hulk Hogan. In the beginning he tells you about his older brother. He tells you how he was always in fights,and how his dad was a very hard working man. Then he goes into how overweight he was. Then he he see the awesome thing on t.v. now as wrestling.After that he says he stopped watching it in high school. Then he found a band to play in he became pretty rich.HE was able to buy to cars brand new,but no girl wanted to date him.But then he went and saw a wrestling show that came to town,right away that is what he wanted to do. So a couple days after he went and quit his band.He then wanted to get a trainer. the fist match he broke his leg.But he did not give up! He trained and became a tiny big hulk. then they saw him and got he in wrestling. He worked his way up the ladder of fame.Then they found out he was doing drugs. He stop wrestling and went to movies.When he was making a movie he saw Rick Flair and was convinced to go back to wrestling. Then he starts to fight.I am relating this story to the story holes.Because they both start at the bottom.Then they work as hard as they could,and went up the ladder to success.Then they both live good for a while.Then it goes down hill when they make some bad choices.But then they hop back on the road to success.And it goes back to the way it should be.I would recommend to any fan of wrestling.You learn more info about wrestling an Hollywood Hulk Hogan.then you really respect how these wrestler do their job.But in this book you also learn about a lot of other wrestlers.You learn very much about his family.But if you really love wrestling then I recommend this book to you."
— Matt (4 out of 5 stars)
“In the rough-and-tumble world of wrestling, superstars come and go, but Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been a fan favorite ever since his 1978 World Wrestling Federation debut. Good guy or villain, the Hulkster has captured the imagination of audiences from Boise to Beirut for more than two decades.”
— BarnesandNoble.com, editorial review“If the career of any single individual could serve as a microcosm of the changes in the ‘sport’ of wrestling over the past forty years…Hogan covers all the key moments in his long career…To their credit, Hogan and co-writer Friedman do provide some glimpses of the often seedy world of ‘professional’ wrestling…An appealing read.”
— Publishers Weekly“It’s the plain truth, brother—Hollywood Hulk Hogan went from a fat, wrestling-obsessed schoolboy to a wealthy, wrestling-obsessed grown man. And it’s as plain as back surgery after a body slam that Hulkamania has made its mark on wrestling history. Hulk and his producers seem to have had younger listeners in mind in this breathless telling of Terry Bollea’s life as truly foul language and explicit details of violence are skimmed over. Hogan does cop to the entertainment aspect of the matches, after learning the hard, bone-breaking way of the tough gyms. But brother, if you’ve ever wanted to hear a fun, sanitized view of the wrestling world, give the Hulkster a listen.”
— AudioFile" You can laugh at this one. It was very disappointing. "
— Angela, 1/18/2014" As with many things Hogan-related, it's moderately enjoyable, and of questionable reliability. Only recommended for fans of The Hulkster. "
— Mr., 1/13/2014" Contains little that most die-hard wrestling fans didn't already know, and yet I read it in a day, and couldn't put it down. "
— Claude, 1/5/2014" I don't know how much of this book was actually written by Hulk Hogan, if any, but the end result is an often entertaining, sometimes funny, but always interesting glimpse at the man who pretty much single-handedly helped mould professional wrestling into the brand it is today. "
— Mr., 1/3/2014" I enoyed reading how he worked his way up the ladder from working in shipyards to wrestling all over the world, there is alot of stories about him and andre the giant. "
— Jenn, 12/23/2013" very fast, easy read. You get an overview of Hogan's career in wrestling and other TV adventures. "
— Dewayne, 11/20/2013" Total Hulkamania, great as a good guy and great as a bad guy aka "Hollywood Hogan". "
— Mike, 11/19/2013" I enjoyed this book. I was a major wrestling fan growing up and reading this book was like a dose of nostalgia. "
— John, 10/29/2013" Good book. I think Hulk's newer book (2009) is better written, and of course has newer more recent stuff in it. However, this book was enjoyable and an easy read. It had more stories and inside info on wrestling and his relationships and thoughts on other wrestlers. "
— Rob, 10/28/2013" Great book. Its about Hulk hogan (Used to wrestle) and about his life. The book is good and he is talking about his life all the way back when he was 5 years old and up to 50 years. Alot of Deatails since the book has about 500 pages. But really instresting book, "
— Kelly, 10/22/2013" Excellent book. I read this book a few years ago, but just found this site. Great account of Hogans story from childhood to his days in the ring with the WWE/WWF "
— David, 6/11/2013Michael Jan Freidman is the author of nearly sixty books, ten of which have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. He has also written for television, radio, and comic books.
Hulk Hogan, born Terry Gene Bollea, is a professional wrestler, actor, and television personality. He became famous in the 1980s and 1990s, creating popular characters in several wrestling leagues. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2005, he is second longest-reigning WWF Champion of all time. In addition to a reality television show based on his life and family, he has written several memoirs about his experiences.