Healing Hypnosis Audiobook, by Darren Marks Play Audiobook Sample

Healing Hypnosis Audiobook

Healing Hypnosis Audiobook, by Darren Marks Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Unspecified Publisher: Hypnotherapists Direct Ltd Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2011 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Tap into the power of your mind, recharge and accelerate the healing process.

How we think and what we feel can have a direct effect on how our immune system functions. It's not so unusual for us to recognise it; when we're feeling run down, when we're feeling depressed or anxious, we're more likely to pick up colds and flus and that kind of thing.

Much of the research that's been done within the field of psychoneuroimmunology has been with cancer patients and AIDS patients, and it's been shown that people who use psychological interventions, like hypnotherapy, not only feel better but can recover quicker from illnesses, operations, and injuries.

This hypnosis session, created by Darren Marks, who worked at The South East Cancer Help Centre for many years, is designed specifically to help you to tap into the power of your mind, to nurture and care for yourself, to allow your body to recharge and to accelerate the healing process. It comes with two track options: the first emerges you at the end, so you can continue with your day, and the second fades into silence, so you can use it before drifting off to sleep.

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