Are you ready to transform your current thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions? Are you ready to shatter the illusion that it's not spiritual to want a fit body or financial wealth? Are you ready to create outrageous results in every single area of your life?
You're in the right place. Harmonic Wealth will propel you to where you want to go. This practical, results-based audiobook will help you to push beyond your self-imposed limitations and show you how to get past all the reasons you think you can't have what you want.
Struggling to know what you want? That doesn't mean you're not perfect, it just means you're ready for a shift. And that's exactly why you're reading this audiobook description.
The result of more than 20 years of study and practical application by a World Thought Leader and featured expert for The Secret, James Ray's Harmonic Wealth is based on extensive investigation of ancient wisdom traditions, cutting-edge findings in quantum physics and other scientific fields, not to mention years of hands-on, hard-won experience. Let this sought-after teacher show you what he's discovered about the secrets of attracting more than you've ever thought possible.
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"I'm not doing my due diligence with this book, like I can't seem to just sit down and devour it. Could be , because there are lists to make, etc... so I read a little, skim a little and looking for time to create my lists. This is written by James Arthur Ray, he is one of the teachers in The Secret."
— Barda (4 out of 5 stars)
" I liked his moment of revelation as he and the huge mama fish on his hook came to heart-to-heart understanding. "
— Flossie, 2/13/2014" This was required reading for a seminar I attended. Having studied the Law of Attraction for a couple of decades, I wasn't expecting much but so far, I'm enjoying James' approach. I don't agree 100 percent with what he says or how he says it, but it's better than I anticipated. "
— Beth, 2/7/2014" So many great insights in this book. It was a very interesting, helpful and easy-read book. "
— Dorothy, 2/7/2014" Excellent and easy to understand book on effectively using the Law of Attraction. "
— Lisa, 1/20/2014" Still reading...Chapter 6 - Your Results are a Reflection of You...ouch! Does this hit home or what? "
— Armando, 12/7/2013" I have given this as a gift to several. It is life changing, so don't read it if you're not in the mood to do that. "
— Laura, 11/20/2013" I learned a lot about creating the life I want. I also learned to take complete responsibility for my choices at every moment and how to be aware of how my thoughts create my reality. Great book! "
— Kris, 11/9/2013" Inspiring! Everyone should read this book. "
— Kim, 11/6/2013" made it about 40 pages in and put it down. nothing new or exciting to add to any of the other self-help books that i've read. "
— Mike, 10/5/2013" An indepth look at how to balance the "five pillars" of your life according to James A. Ray. Good stuff. "
— Loretta, 9/6/2013" No. Full of himself. Cult like "
— J, 6/12/2013James Arthur Ray grew up the son of a minister, immersed in traditional Christian religion. A practical mystic and thriving entrepreneur, he is one of the few spiritual teachers to have achieved top honors in the business world, having worked with AT&T and Stephen Covey before becoming a successful entrepreneur and business growth expert. As coach and mentor, James has taught thousands of individuals and organizations to create harmonic wealth in all areas of life and business. He lives in San Diego.