Hachiman Taro: Firstborn of the God of War Audiobook, by Ned Greenwood Play Audiobook Sample

Hachiman Taro: Firstborn of the God of War Audiobook

Hachiman Taro: Firstborn of the God of War Audiobook, by Ned Greenwood Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Josh Kilbourne Publisher: Tate Publishing Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2011 Format: Unspecified Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Soon after becoming the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, MacArthur ordered all Japanese weapons confiscated and destroyed. This order includes swords, even Shinto temple swords of great beauty and value. Some of these art swords, called nipponto, are documented national treasures. At the same time, Japanese secret societies, such as Showa and the Kanesuka Brotherhood, are to sell them to bigtime foreign collectors for the lucrative profit they will bring. The Johkai Priest of the nearby Sengakuji Temple and his assistant, Yoshida Nobu, have asked us to smuggle two extremely valuable swords out of Japan and keep them hidden until political conditions are favorable for their return.' Charged with smuggling priceless swords out of Japan to protect them from being destroyed by Allied forces or sold on the black market by criminal organizations, Blaz Carvajal, Ragnor Ragnvold, and Magwitch Russell conceal the swords and transport them back to the United States for safekeeping. Among the swords is the Hachiman Taro, invaluable Samurai sword from the sixteenth century. Showa, a Japanese secret society, sends Watanabe, a brutal, Japanese POW guard, to retrieve the swords from the trio.

Once in the United States, Watanabe covertly tracks down the swords' locations. Can Blaz, Ragnor, and Magwitch keep the swords from falling into Showa's hands? What lengths of brutality will Showa go to retrieve the swords? Who will emerge victorious in the battle for the blades? Follow the path of the swords in the history-rich, action-packed Hachiman Taro: Firstborn of the God of War.

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