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Grace, Not Perfection: Audio Bible Studies: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy Audiobook

Grace, Not Perfection: Audio Bible Studies: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy Audiobook, by Emily Ley Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Emily Ley Publisher: HarperChristian Resources Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780310122609

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

22:47 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

01:37 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

14:41 minutes

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Publisher Description

Learn to let go of your daily toil towards perfection and fall into the lasting freedom of God's grace.

As a wife, new mother, business owner, and designer, Emily Ley reached a point when she suddenly realized she couldn't do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize her priorities. She realized that she had been holding herself to a standard of perfection, when what God was really calling her to do was accept the welcoming embrace of his grace.

In this audio Bible study, Emily—author of A Simplified Life­—describes the journey that led to her pursuing a life that allowed her to breathe, laugh, and grow. Along the way, she'll take you through strategies to simplify your lives. Because God so abundantly pours out grace on us, we can surely extend grace to ourselves!

This message is for anyone who has been trying to do it all…only to feel like you're burning out. Learn to find joy, acceptance, and clarity in the midst of life's beautiful messes.


The Audio Bible Study series provides a unique learning experience. Instead of sitting down to watch a video teaching for Bible study, listen to the same quality Bible study content on the go! Whether you listen on your commute, while walking outside, or over a lunch break, you can access high-quality audio Bible studies wherever you are. Get the most out of the teaching by diving into the accompanying study guide (sold separately) to walk through reflection questions and individual Bible study to go deeper.

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About Emily Ley

Emily Ley is the author of several books and the founder of Simplified®, a brand of planners and organizational tools for busy women, which has been featured in Forbes, Family Circle, Better Homes and Gardens, Glamour, and Good Housekeeping. She has been recognized with numerous awards, including Best New Product at the National Stationery Show, as well as Small Business of the Year, Female Owned Business of the Year, and Entrepreneur of the Year by Studer Community Institute.