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Gaslighting Recovery Guide: How to Recognize the Signs and Stop Manipulative Behavior in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship with a Spouse, Friend, Boss, Co-Worker, or Parent Audiobook

Gaslighting Recovery Guide: How to Recognize the Signs and Stop Manipulative Behavior in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship with a Spouse, Friend, Boss, Co-Worker, or Parent Audiobook, by Victoria Hoffman Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Daisy Lee Publisher: Manipulation, Abuse Recovery Audios Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2021 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781662197024

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

11:36 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

26 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

06:54 minutes

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Publisher Description

Discover the Easiest Way to Protect Yourself from Manipulators in Your Surroundings and Recognize the Signs of Gaslighting! Do you feel like you are in an abusive relationship? Are you tired of being tossed around, like you are worthless? Are you scared to do anything because you are being led to believe that you made a complete mess of it? Maybe the worst thing about all of this is that those things come from persons we love and trust, which is the biggest problem. Naturally, we care about those people and don't want to believe that they would do that to us. We remain under a delusion that they could never wish us wrong and certainly not make us question our sanity, our emotional stability, or even our abilities to do the things we know we can do well. Would you like to recognize the signs and stop manipulative behavior in an emotionally abusive relationship with a spouse, friend, boss, co-worker, or parent? Would you like to live a life free of self-doubt, a life where you are not afraid to follow your mind and heart? If so, then this audiobook will offer you all of that and much more. With step-by-step guides, tried-and-tested strategies, and expert advice, and mental exercises, you will embark on a unique self-healing and self-improvement journey. When you are done, you will learn how to recognize the signs of abuse and gaslighting with ease, how to protect yourself from all of that, and finally free yourself. If you want to live a better and happier life, where you are free from the shackles of self-doubt, all you need to do is follow the expert guides and advice found in this audiobook. So what are you waiting for? Start listening now

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Gaslighting Recovery Guide: How to Recognize the Signs and Stop Manipulative Behavior in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship with a Spouse, Friend, Boss, Co-Worker, or Parent Listener Reviews

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